chapter 1

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chapter 1


dear diary

its been a year since mom and dad died and i'm still that girl who weeps alone. The one who blocks everyone and everything out, I've lost my two best friends Bonnie and Caroline. yesterday I was going through photos of mom and dad and was thinking about what they would want me to do. how to deal with this big gash in my heart and the only way i think they would want me to deal with the pain is to go back to school and have a normal life aga... "Elena come on your gonna be late" Jenna said from downstairs. if your wondering who Jenna is, well shes my aunt, she the one who's been looking out for us ever since the accident. "coming" i put my journal on my night table and walk down the stairs. "did Jer leave?" "yup. look Elena are you sure you want to go today, i could call Bonnie tell her not to pick you up." the sound of a car horn came from outside "to late." she smiles "bye kiddo have fun. wait but not to much fun." she said as i left the house.



it's been a century since even been back in mystic falls. I've never missed a place this much before. "uncle Zac! good to see you" I said embracing him in a hug "Stefan Salvatore my favorite nephew. long time no see" he smile as we pulled away "yeah I know I thought it was time to come home, I've missed this place" he walked me inside and i put my bags in my room, god it was good to be home. this is perfect just me and Zac and no 'DAMON'. I laid on my bed and thought about the girl i saved from the car that went off the bridge. she looked just like Katherine. no Stefan don't think about Katherine. "so Stefan. are you going to go to school?" i smiled and sat up "ahh why not, another year wouldn't help" he laughed "so how are you?" i looked down "I'd rather not talk about her, I'm over her" i stood up with pride and then got light headed from getting up way to fast. even as a vampire you thing that you'd get us to that.

'at school'

"OMG Elena your back!" Caroline yelled from down the hallway. I've missed her loud peppy voice "hello to you to Care" she squealed and bee hugged me. "I'm so glad your back, the cheer team needs you. A lot" I smiled "ah first day and I'm back on the team, uhm no thanks" she frowned "what come on" "sorry care i think ill stick to ... oh my god who is that?!" there he was the most handsome guy I've ever Scene. "oh that's Stefan Salvatore the new guy. i call dibs "

Stefan's pov

"I call dibs" i over heard some peppy blond chick say. i turned to walk to my locker when I saw her. the girl that looks like Katherine. I walked up to her "sorry to bother you but is your name Katherine?" she stared black into my eyes "no I'm Elena, and you must be Stefan" she smiled "yup the one and only" the blond hit her arm "dibs remember" i laughed "no one can call dibs on me i call dibs on the girl" she blushed "and who's that girl?" i smiled and looked at Elena making sure no one saw i did it "i don't know yet." i smiled and walked away "wait do any of you have allen first period?" Elena smiled yea i do" the blond looked pissed "can you show me where to go" she smiled "yea sure"

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