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New cover! Thoughts???


Okay guys...there's something we have to address...

I'd just- I'd like to talk about tHE FACT THERE ARE LITERALLY PEOPLE ACROSS THE WORLD READING THIS??? LIke???? This little novel has someone from Germany (@Aelite_023), someone from Britain (LittleGh0stGirl), someone from Romania (RomanianFemale) and someone from India (lolleelove)? This just honestly blows my mind, my goodness.

Thank you so much to everyone else from other countries (and from good ol' Australia too. No place like home)! You guys are all awesome and I'm so excited that this has reached people everywhere!

Anyway! There is a little note at the end (regarding ads), but otherwise, enjoy!

❉ s a r a h ❉



It was Damien who figured out the best way to help Cynthia and Orion get out of the compound and it was him leading us into the basement so we could go down the tunnel and find one of Xavier's men waiting to escort them to Eclipse pack. As he pulled the bookcase hiding the hole aside, I looked over to Cynthia when she spoke up.

"Are you sure Xavier is okay with this?" she asked softly, gently touching her belly as she anxiously watched my mate. He nodded and gestured for us to go through, waiting until we were inside the dark tunnel before he sealed it again.

"He's aware of your situation and agreed that this was the most logical outcome," Damien explained as he tenderly took my hand in his -carefully guiding me through the darkness.

"I... we didn't want our baby growing up in there. Not like I had to," Cynthia murmured softly and even though I could only make out the outline of their bodies, I could see they were holding hands too.

"You grew up at the compound?" I asked out of curiosity, surprised that I hadn't heard this before.

"Yeah, Cynthius and I were born here actually. We grew up training here and when our parents died, we took on missions. I-it wasn't all bad and I met some really amazing people-" I could see her inch closer to Orion at that, "but I don't want that for my baby. I don't want them in danger every day for the rest of their lives."

"I can understand that," I said softly, unconsciously squeezing Damien's hand. "It won't be the same without you guys though," I added in a whisper.

"But... you'll be coming soon, right?" Cynthia asked suddenly and I stiffened, peering up at her through the darkness.

"We haven't decided yet," Damien immediately interjected, soothingly rubbing his thumb over my skin.

"Well why wouldn't you? I mean, Eclipse is your home, Damien. Not here. And I'm sure it can be Juliet's too-"


"No, Damien. She's right. Eclipse is your home. You brother is there and so are all those people you've grown up with. I-I just...I like doing this. I like being able to help people like Althea. I don't expect to stay here forever or anything and of course you can stay at your pack and I could maybe visit or-"

Damien and Juliet (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now