First love *part 2* (LeahxDerek)

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As I sat in class, mindlessly writing down notes, I kept listening to Leah playing her cello, the only thing keeping me calm through all the thoughts flying through my mind.

*Leah's POV*

I played my cello, practicing a new song my music teacher had asked me to practice when I felt eyes on me. I knew it wasn't just anyone, it was Derek, without even looking at the door, I knew.

Slowly a smile slid across my face before I turned to face him and said "What are you staring at?"

"I'm not staring" he shook his head, "I'm listening" he continued which made my heart skip a beat. "Am I distracting you?" He asked, "No" I turned back to my sheet music, "I've got laser like focus" I smiled as I began practicing again.

"Sure about that?" He asked, oh god, what is he going to do? I'm already putty sitting in this chair, what more does he want?

He walked over to me as I tried my very best to not ask him what he's doing when I felt him move my hair from my left shoulder, and his lips on my ear lobe.

Somewhere in the midst I had managed to stop playing, something I only realised once Derek's lips were no longer in contact with my skin. "I hate you" I half smiled as I turned my head to look at him.

"No you don't," he walked around to crouch beside me, "You love me" butterflies filled my stomach as I said "Hate you"

"You love me" Derek said hopefully, worry filling his eyes as he looked into mine, slowly I nodded and then he brought his lips into contact with mine.


*Derek's POV*

I sat at the lunch table alone, a sigh falling from my lips as I sipped my drink. Staring at Leah as I lost myself in my mind, only resurfacing when someone sat in front of me.

"Why does she eat alone?" Uncle Peter. "What are you doing here?" I asked him, "I'm looking out for my favourite nephew" he looked at me, "Making sure no one has a crossbow aimed at your throat"

"I could get you banned from school grounds, you know that right?" Peter laughed, "No one would ban me from anywhere, I'm too good looking" I nodded, you keep telling yourself that.

"Doesn't she have any friends?" Peter asked about Leah, "A few but, she likes to study during lunch, and I kinda just don't think she likes my friends" I told him. "No one should like your friends, they're a bunch of hormonal half wits" he picked up what was left of my lunch.

"But that one over there, she's perfect for you, and perfect combinations are rare in an imperfect world" I sighed as I stood up, picking up my backpack before he spoke again. "It would worry me too thought, I'd probably be thinking about it all the time"

OK Peter, you caught my attention. "Thinking about what?" I asked, both curiously and cautiously. "Her finding out" I looked down at him, "You've thought that through right?" He sipped on my drink as he looked up at me.

"You know what always happens. One minute you're in this blissful teen romance, and the next she sees fangs, glowing eyes and claws"

"She doesn't have to find out" I said defensively, "But, they always do" I looked over at Leah worriedly. "Especially when they're perfect for you"

"There's really only one way to make sure you'll always be together. Turn her"


*Leah's POV*

Reading through Derek's note once more, I walked down the stairs and into the dark school hallway. "Derek?" He should be here, right? I looked around, goosebumps raising all over my body as my hair stood on edge. Something doesn't feel right. I heard a door opening and slamming closed, I twisted my neck to face the direction of the sound, "Derek is that you?" I called uneasily.

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