Mark Ferris

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May's POV

As I lock the door behind me, my heart jumps into my throat. Turning around, I see the apartment in shambles. Furniture tossed around, broken glass, and the most horrifying, smears of blood trailing across the kitchen.

"Come on Mark, please don't be dead" I think to myself, reaching into my pocket for one of my knives. I cautiously walk around the apartment, making as little noise as possible. I scope out the kitchen and then turn towards a hallway leading to what looks like a bathroom and two small bedrooms. I creep my way down the hall, ready to be attacked at any minute. As I pass the first door, something shining in the sun catches my eye and I approach it. Lying underneath pillows and sheets strewn across the floor is a small handgun, with a note attracted to it.

Dear everyone,
By the time you find this, it is likely I have been infected. And to whoever is reading this, I allow you to have any of my possessions in order to aid you in survival. They aren't of any use to me now. I have had a happy life, and I hope you make it out alive. God bless,
Mark Ferris

I look at the note over and over again. If Mark is dead, where is his bod...

From behind me, I see a tall hooded person approach me. I freeze, holding Mark's gun to my chest, breathing only when necessary. The figure walks awkwardly over to me and I don't dare make a move. He's getting closer and I don't know whether to pull the gun on him, or remain still. The person touches my backpack and grabs me by the hair forcefully and turns me around so I can see his face.

"Where did you steal this from thief?" Mark questions me. He's alive. His eyes are normal.

"I'm not a thief. Zoe gave it to me. They are outside Mark" I say. This is just a misunderstanding.

"Bullshit" he says, yanking me to the floor and drawing a knife to my throat.

"Alfie!" I scream. This isn't how it's supposed to happen.
"Zoe and Alfie are dead. Do you think I'm that stupid!?" He shouts at me. Dead!?

"Mark I swear just open your front door they are right there please" I beg.

"Yeah I'm sure they are" he sneers.

"Zoe help!" I scream again, earning a slash across the face. I cry out in pain.

"If they are alive, then prove it." He stands me up and walks me to the door, knife drawn on the small of my back.

"Open the door" he says.

I over excitedly open the door and await the faces of my group to see no one. I immediately begin to sob. They left me. I crash to the group in shaking fear. Mark laughs behind me.

"Did you actually think that they would come back from the dead to save you?" He says, slightly saddened. I sit on the ground in absolute horror...Garrett. They took him. And left me.

Alfie' POV

May locked us out. I look around to see if there is any other way into the apartment.

"Alf there's a fire escape we should try that" Zoe says and we sprint down the hall. We reach the front of the building and begin to climb the fire escape. As we reach Mark's window, I hear May scream my name from inside the flat. No. Adrenaline kicks in and I begin climbing at a fast rate. I reach Mark's window and pull Zoe up.

"Zoe! He's alive!" I hear May scream from inside.

Zoe looks up at me with tears in her eyes. Then happiness turn to confusion.

"If he's alive, why is he hurting her?" Zoe asks me, the most frightened look I have ever seen on her.

I open Mark's window cautiously and step in, pulling Zoe through as well. As we step in, I hear sobs coming from the front of the flat. May.

"Did you actually think they'd come back from the dead for you?!" I hear Mark scream at her. Zoe whimpers. What the hell is happening?

Zoe's POV

Mark screaming at May set me over the edge. This isn't him. Something is terribly wrong. I peer around the door to see May on the floor and Mark holding a knife to her throat.

"Did you kill them...did you kill them and then steal their stuff?!" Mark screams at May, holding up

"I swear Mark, they are both alive! Zoe saved me!" She screams. He slashes her across the face and she yell out.

"I can't take this anymore" I whisper to Alfie. I run out of the room as Alfie tries to hold me back.

"Mark" I say, putting as much force into my voice as I can.

"Put the knife down"

Mark turns slowly and looks at me with utter horror and surprise.

"Zoe" May cries in relief as Mark drops the knife and she runs over to me and Alfie. Alfie holds her as if she were a small child as she cries softly.

"You are dead Zoe" Mark says in an annoyed tone. As if I am rude for being alive.

"Mark listen to me." I walk towards him slowly. "I am very much alive. All of us are. Alfie, Nala, Me, we are all okay." I say, grabbing his hand. "You are okay too" I say. He pulls his hand away from me in disgust and looks back at me as if I am garbage.

" I watched you die. I killed you Zoe." His words take me by surprise.

"Mark, you aren't thinking straight." As I examine him, I notice the bags under his eyes, his pale white skin and...his left eye. His left eye is so dilated. And it seems to be getting more and more dark.

I take his hand again and notice how cold her feels. He stands frozen as if he is afraid of me.
"Mark you are okay. We are all going to be alright" I say trying to soothe him. He begins to cry.

"Zoe" He looks me in the eye. This is the Mark I know...

" I am not okay" he says, pulling his hoodie off his head to reveal a purple and red bite along his neck.

He's been bit.

As if a switch turned on in his brain, Mark looks at me with the same disgusted look as before. As if he is changing from infected to normal Mark.

"Poor little Zoella." He sneers.
"All afraid of her best friend. That's sad really."
I back up. His eyes have gone, replaced by two black marbles that poses no love. He twitches and begins to shout incoherent phrases.
I back up and run towards Alfie, who has calmed May down enough now.

May looks at me with utter fear and Mark begins to growl.
He lunges towards us and grabs Alfie by the arm. Holding him under his grasp. Shockingly, Alfie is unable to move.

Mark looks up at us and cackles in the most horrific way.

"Say goodbye Zalfie"

The door of the flat is exploded open and in one clean pop, Mark is shot, lying dead on the ground. I look up to see none other than Poppy and Sean. I let out a gargled scream of sorrow, fear, and happiness when my eyes shut and I feel myself drop to the ground.

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