Dear Jen,
Well I guess now would be a good time to tell you that my dearest aunt had a pretty relaxed and carefree birthday. On the computer all the time and she didn't want to be interupted. Thank goodess that I didn't have much to do. So how are you? Still good? That's cool. Hoping you have fun whereever you stay that paper usually dreams of. I talked to my friend today and she told me that she'll try meeting me on the 16th after my work. :) Any way I need to go do the dishes. and guess who's getting yelled at again? All because I wanted to listen to music while doing them. Oh well that's what I get for not charging it last night. I got to go... I'm being summoned.
Shadow Raven
conluded: 10:38 pm January 14th, 2001
Tossing the journal on the bed Shade dashed out of her room. Closing the door behind her gave the illusion that she actually Had privacy.
"You just go. I'm doing them. I said I didn't want to be doing this but that damn PSP and PS3 is more important!" Her aunt gritted her teeth. Getting annoyed with her aunt's constant rejection, Shadow turned on her heels and walked out the door to the woods in her back yard.
Dear Jen.
RandomDear Jen is a Fictional Journal based off realish events. The title is Based off of a inside joke at work. As one of my coworkers almost acts like an actual Diary for everyone's complaints and drama. Find it's successor at https://syliasnowcarter.wo...