The Good, The Bad and The Devilish

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"Whew...My first fight against a baddie! You know, I always thought that there would be a lot less walking involved!"

"Yeah, I hate walking too! But everyone at the camp is counting on us, so we can't let laziness get the better of us! Right Kenzo?"

"Damn right baby!"

The back and forth chatting had been going on since Kenzo and Yang had left the camp. For Yang, it was a way of keeping their spirits' high. For Kenzo, it was a way of comforting himself and preventing a nervous breakdown. He tried to put on a brave face, but on the inside, he was terrified.

"You know what? If Torchwick does decide to bring the army with him, I'll let you join in!"

"Thanks honey, but I think I'll end up joining the fight anyways!"

"Oh really? What makes you think that I can't handle it?"

"I know that you can handle it! I just wanna break Torchwick's stupid pointy nose, that's all!"

Kenzo chuckled for a moment and then let out a shrill war cry. Yang, fuelled by Kenzo's charisma, joined in and howled at the sky. Eventually, the two were proudly and happily screaming and hollering in every direction, but just as they were reaching a crescendo, Kenzo stopped.

"Wait a minute...I think..."

He fell to his knees and gasped for breath, clutching at his chest. Yang quickly stopped her war cry and knelt to his side, shaking his shoulders.

"Kenzo!? Talk to me!"

Suddenly, Kenzo's body let out a violent spasm as he rolled onto his back, choking on the air. He could feel Lazarus begging to be released, hungry for destruction. He thought as hard as he could:


Lazarus responded and in an instant, Kenzo regained control of his body. He coughed and spluttered as Yang wrapped her arms around him, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank God! You okay?" She asked, still concerned.

"Yeah...I'm good...We just roused Lazarus, that's all..." Kenzo croaked.

He slowly rolled over and pushed himself up onto his knees. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he sighed and stood up, spitting at the ground as he did so. But as he turned to Yang with a sweet smile, he noticed that she was visibly upset.

"Whoa...What's wrong, honey?" He asked her.

Yang wiped a tear from her eye and confessed:

"I was worried that I would lose you...Like I lost my Mom..."

Wide eyed and shocked, Kenzo wrapped his arms around Yang and almost buried his head in her hair. Yang tightly gripped him and sniffed into his neck, trying not to cry. They stayed that way for a minute until Kenzo let out a muffled sound into her hair. Yang looked up at him, removing her hair from his face.


"You never told me about that...What happened?"

Yang cleared her throat.

"When I was a little girl, my Mom left my Dad for unknown reasons. Then Ruby's Mom came along and gave birth to her. Years passed and then Ruby's Mom died..."

She paused, choking back the tears.

"It's just...I'm really worried about you! I don't want to lose you!"

Yang started to cry, hugging Kenzo tighter than before. Kenzo's expression was solemn as he continued to comfort his lover. He was touched by the story, but was concerned that Yang had never told him about her mother.

"Yang...I'm so sorry...But I promise you...I won't get killed..."

Yang looked up at him, still teary eyed.

"Cross your heart?"

Kenzo nodded.

"Hope to die..."

Then, he heard from across the forest:


Kenzo recognised the voice as Torchwick's.

"Damn it...Alright then, let the show begin!"


Lazarus curled up in the foetal position, floating round in the dark limbo that was Kenzo's soul. He scratched at his legs, gnashing his teeth and growling endlessly. He had been trapped for way too long and now he was getting impatient. Lazarus just couldn't understand why Kenzo was keeping him locked away when there had been plenty of opportunities for him to be let loose. From the Mall to the confrontation with Torchwick, Lazarus had been held back, but now it was getting ridiculous.

As far as Lazarus was concerned, Kenzo should have known that his valiant war cries would have roused him. He was a fool and Lazarus knew it. Why would he reject the chance of carnage and destruction? Was he some kind of pacifist? Did he want to torment his greatest ally? Why did he have to be such a coward?

"Hey...Lazarus..." A voice echoed into the limbo.

Lazarus craned his neck and tried to ascertain the location of the voice. His wings spread and he stood up straight, shuddering with rage.

"It's me, Kenzo...I'm sorry for holding you back..."

Surprised, Lazarus folded his wings back and cocked his head to the side. Why would Kenzo apologise now? He had a fight to go to, right?

"I've got a plan, but I need you to help...Please?"

Lazarus spat into the abyss and snarled. He unfolded his wings, spread his arms and crouched down, ready to take off.

"So, you want to help?"

For the first time in his life, Lazarus gave a sign of communication by nodding. He then shot out and soared into the abyss, clenching his teeth.

"Right...Thanks...Here's what we're gonna do..."

Lazarus howled as Kenzo's plan was put to action...

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