Genocide Crucified-Leafs are the comments begging to be blown!0!

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This feels great its my first poem in what? A month maybe I am so happy I am finally posting one of them! This is mostly based off this boy in my school, who I see and think is empty and lonely and unfilled with life in general so I wrote this out of that ideal of's pretty wild...I think>.< See for yourselves! Also I am really having fun with the new stuff they added on wattpad!

-Check the Pic! And listen to this dynamical music!-

Title: Genocide Crucified-Hey it rhymes I didn't know that till I said this Aloud!- Continue you!

You're a broken thing breaking boy a clay crafted.

You've been forgotten to be alone left in the undermentioned certain.

The perfection mistaken for it cannot be had.

Its humanity gone for the wrong hopeless failures.

Taken down the road of misfortunes misery surgery path routed.

The Distorted image that of which is reared to depict happiness bliss faltered.

Poverty a cause for the poor to live and work to become

something granter, better, than they were.

You're a sad person bound for the empathy of pathetic poetic language envoy.

A hearts confronted version a desired contrition.

You've walked long and thought of the problems of society the dying breed.

Are you part of it?

The dead to be dying.

You've wondered and it only leads to the landslide the pros against cons.

You've seen the greatness fall below the brinks of chaos, genocide of man.

But you're left impaired breathtaking inhale.

A crack in the mold a disease went spreading airborne.

"Breathe and Die, kill the dreams of plaguing sleep tonight."

Forgotten what a memory was built in years token in seconds to destroy fragments unable to recall upon.

Lingering in the winds whirl of torn shreds of papers tore.

Who are you?

But another humane monster that reaps the world in judgment.

But the path has been handpicked for you.

You're a free thinker but trapped in mind captured in the captivity's cage.

The innocent and yet sadly naive.

The best ravage on, stalking for answers yet to know and be found.

They Tried to take the world as their paradise savaging it for themselves declaring it to be theirs.

For all its worth in its freedoms essences element.

The deadly words whispered around musical mayhem.

You want to join the army of hypotheses.

The decision, a deal with The death bringer.

The rebellion discord, its destructive deserter alone.

Those that speak in riddles are idiots and the alluring appose that their the most self gifted.

With the burden of selfishness.

Ignorance is a sin only those that are betrayed take as their honest promise to seek.

You've been wounded with not the interfacing of violence but with tragedies hatred of words.

Detaching yourself from the cracks that are forming built within growing farther along your borders.

Discontent the flu turned feverish hot.

You've bended and held eyes closed to the sickness of those unconcerned.

Lost they favored offerings of abilities visit to be given the chance.

Roads with bombarded ticks and mines waiting to go off, it's a test of time a person's misstep in fall.

Blow it down make rapture a return with iron rods, fences of steel, & helmets of metal.

Beauty the kill not the art of the arsenals weapon.

Everlasting you're only the collector in this spectrum of condemnations.

Collapsing in the atmosphere, is a stolen magic of disasters demise.

You've befallen to be crucified combusted, an aftermath of nothingness.

Left in the exploit explosions of a war not won for it's not fought in combat it's fought within the body.

The Burn Down of the monsters echoes in Scream.

The mercy of all will soon be altered to fit the once upon of a boy whose finding the nowhere of misdirection.

To be the Saviors redemption.

Well for it being the first poem since awhile I think its pretty damn great! What about you Did you like this? No! What..why>? Yea?? its long but its well worth its chance if you liked this and loved it tell me! The heart beats for it yearns to know what you've given it and yes I am said heart within you! Like the picture and music .. ? Its a must know! Well bye for now I am glad if you liked this and if not its a loss of your own accord >.< Bye for now..

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