Snow Soldier(left behide) -if curiosity killed the cat satisfaction brought it back-

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Hey guys I am putting up this poem and it goes with Christmas yea anyways this is the first of many that I am dedicating to the fans and smith1948 and yes Max I know! I still have to put yours up too >< I am sorry its taking super long anyways I wanted to gave this to everyone with a warm glass of milk and cookies well please sit back and read..............................................................................................................................

Title: Snow Soldier....(left be hide)

I walking to a place that only me, and you ever knew about...

I think I am walking but I am numbed out and it's become too hard to tell..

But I know what I am waiting for and

The skies falling white and it taste like snowflakes..

I look in the distance of nothingness,

I striated my neck and my ears are perking up..

I hear something..

I just know it...

But as I yell back...

There is once again nothing..

But I won't force the disappoint to come to be yet,...

Then I heard it,

It was brief and faint but a echo...

That still counts for something..

I hope your there in the mist..

My cheeks get flustered..

I walk in circles over thinking the last times..

the last everything....

Finally just then my knees decide to buckle and I am falling...

down and of course there is no one there

but a pillow of snow to even the blow...

Its colder and my breathe goes ragged as I inhale puffs of smoke..

I pretend to light a match that isn't there..."Happy birthday to the lonely."

I guess I would be sorted into that bunch...

I lay down into the coldness and I dream of all...

those times when we were, but are we anymore?

I go back in time travel in my memories sailing fast toward the disasters of distress..

That day, and it was a good day too><..

The news, and your smiling face while I was walking into a corner..

Filling up with disappointment..

Of not wanting this to have happened but it did..

It was never up to me to make up choices that weren't made for me...

but for you..

I was never nor will I be selfish...

I just wanted you to be happy and

you knew that...

even when I faked the congratulations that you had finally got in!..

But then in the weeks leading up to that..You saw..

What I was doing and what I did...

I never meant to do that..

Flinch from you touch..

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