Breaking Through the Barriers

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Hey guys! This is my first story on Wattpad, so comments are aprreciated. Thanks guys :D

 I tied my laces as I got ready for practice. I walked out of the locker room and walked down the dimly lit corridor that lead out to the place that I call my life—the ice rink.  I marched out and paused to look around the arena before skating out to the ice.

“Hey, hey. Finally you come out from the cave.” Brianna, my teammate, said as I stood next to her.

I fiddled around with my mouth guard, “So what are we doing?”

“Oh just shootouts.”

I rolled my eyes “Are you kidding me? Geez, kindergarteners can do this type of shit.”

Brianna shook her head “I know.”

“Lauren! You are up.” Coach Durocher yelled.

Brianna laughed “Oh this is going to be fun.”

I smiled and skated out to center ice. I stopped in front of the puck and before going out Coach said “Now go easy this time. And don’t whip the puck in like you normally do.”

I ignored Coach, as always. I placed my stick on the puck and I glided down the ice as I sped towards the net. I went out wide, causing the goalie to step out further.  I then skated left but then at the last second I went to the right and back handed the puck into the top corner of the net, and like always it went in. I turned around and headed back towards Brianna.

“Nice shot.” She said as we fist punched each other.


“Uh-oh. Here comes coach.” She whispered.

I sighed and turned around to see Coach stomping his way towards my direction.

“What the hell was that?!” He yelled.

“A goal.” I answered.

He held his clipboard up “Lauren, I have told thousands of times to stop playing like that.”

“Like what? I am just playing hockey.”

Durocher was even more pissed “That is not how hockey is played. You know I am sick and tired of you playing rough in each game. This is women’s college ice hockey, not the NHL!”

“You know what Coach Douche; I am tired of you bitching at me for the way I play. Yes I am rough on the ice but this is hockey not ballet. And quite frankly you don’t know how to run this team, so why don’t you just shut the fuck up and realize that the only one who doesn’t know how to play right is you.”

I heard some of the team snickering behind me, and coach just grilled his yellow tinted teeth at me. “That’s it! You are off this team! Turn in your jersey and get the hell out of here!!!”

I smiled “It will be my pleasure too, you jackass.”

I took my helmet off and threw it to the side, before skating away. I walked into the locker room and stripped off my jersey and padding. As I was changing Brianna walked in.

“Lauren are you crazy? You can’t just walk out like that.”

I placed my tank top on. “Bree, I am not going to be on this team anymore. I am done with being treated with disrespect from coach. I am tired. Tired of it all.”

Bree sighed “But you love hockey. Are you just going to give it up like that?”

I looked at her “I don’t know. I mean I cannot play on a women’s team because it is not challenging enough, and no male hockey team will let me play because I am a woman.” I tossed my gym bag over my shoulder as I continued to say “There really aren’t any options for me right now.”

“But Laur-“

I cut her off “I’ll see you later on tonight.” I walked out of the locker room and left the arena for the last time.

I walked through the Boston Commons looking for the one person that always knew had to cheer me up. And I smiled when I saw him sitting in what I referred to as ‘our spot’.

“John!” I called out.

John smiled and held his arms open as I ran into them.

“Hey babe. How was practice?” He asked as he pulled out from the hug.

Breaking Through the BarriersWhere stories live. Discover now