Chapter 1

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I remember.

A time before the war.

Before Erewan sent us the Earth.

All of us.

Leaving Terrasen undefended.


3 years old.

"Mommy?" I asked Aelin Ashrvyer Glathynius Whitethorn. My mother. "Will I ever find my mate?"

She laughed. That beautiful, utter laugh of pure joy.

"Well Peaches, it's not that easy." She would tell me. "Me and your daddy hated eachother at first."

Hearing his prefered calling, my father, Rowan Whitethorn, walked into my bedroom, coming first from the kitchen.

He smiled at my mother. They were so happy together.

"Let us tell you a story." He said to me sitting down.

And oh, trust me. They did tell me a story, a story of kings and queens, and magic. A story of witches, and curses, and Wyrdkeys. But most of all, a story of hardships. Of having to find the love of your life, and of trusting in hope to guide them back to you.

They told me of my Aunt Manon, and my Uncle Dorian. They told me of Uncle Chaol and Aunt Nesryn. They told me of my grandparents, my great-grandparents, and so-on and so-forth.


Those were the times when I didn't have to worry. When I wasn't on a journey to save my life. Thoe were the times when I was okay, and everything was fine.

I just wish I would have cherished it more.


14 years old.

My Aunt Manon was braiding my mothers hair. They were talking of the festival in honor of my birthday.

I was practically bouncing off the walls with excitment and joy.

"And..." Manon said. "Done! There, all finished."

My mother stood up and motioned for me to come sit down. "How do you want Monon to do your hair, Peaches?" She asked me using my childhood nickname.

I shrugged. "Do what ever you want Manon. I want to be suprised."

She smiled. "Alright."

About 30 minutes later, she was done.

My hair was done up in a ringlet of braids, with two strands of my brown-blonde hair peeking out in the front.

I smiled. "Thank you."

She smiled back, an walked out of the room, as my father walked in, with his hands behind his back.

He smiled at me.

"Happy birthday Peaches!" He yelled, pulling the most beautiful silver tiara I had ever seen.

My face lit up as I screeched, "Thank you father!" And hugged him.

My mother tapped me on my shoulder. "The guests are waiting."

I smiled at her and linked my arms with each of theirs.

And walked out, to the last birthday party I'd ever have in Terrasen.


Later that day.

I was running through the forest, struggling to keep up with my mother and father as they pulled me along, my foot easily broken, but my fae body was mending it.

Tears were streaming down my face as my Uncle Aedion and my Aunt Lyssandra stepped out of the group to fight off the dark Ilken the evil King Erewan had sent after me and my family.

When I looked back, the lovely festival that my parents had been planning for forever, was in complete ruins. I heard people screaming, and more tears found their way down my face.

A group of Ilken walked out in front of us.

"Give us the king and queen, and we'll leave the girl alone." One of them said. I knew that they were talking about my mother and father.

"Queen of Terrasen. King of Terrasen." Another said. "Come out with no fight. And we won't hurt the girl."

My mother let go of my arm, and so did my father. They stepped forward.

The Ilken cut their heads off.


That's all that I can remember before everything went black. I just remember waking up with dried tears on my face, in a different world, with only Dorian, Manon, Chaol, and Nesryn.

2 years, I've been in that same world.

2 years, my parents have been dead.

2 years, I've been away from Terrasen.

2 years, I've trained for Erewan's attacks.

And now my Aunt's and Uncle's are sending me away. 

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