Chapter 4

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Oh, boy, did that girl tell me about her life. Vanessa shone with raw power, utter grace and charm, and I could feel her magic from a mile away as I leapt through the woods gathering firewood.

She was amazing.

Me, Chris Jackson, liking a girl? Wow, this was a first. All the girls I've ever known have been like sisters to me, or just downright awful.

I was thinking these silent thoughts as I realized the entire forest had gone still. There was no sound, and then-

"AHHHHH!" I heard a woman's voice yell. "Please help!"

I dropped the firewood and bolted the opposite direction of the campsite Veronica and I were staying at.

Please don't be monsters. Please don't be monsters. Please don't be-

My pleading thoughts were cut off by the sound of sudden wind rushing by me, and I only caught a glimpse of brown hair and a blue shirt before it was gone.


That couldn't be her- Could it? How did she run that fast?

I snapped out of it when I heard that woman scream again.

I bolted ahead, trying to catch up with Vanessa. I think.

When I finally saw the woman, she was tied to a lamppost, giving me a disapproving glare.

"It's about time you got here!" She said. "Now, untie me so we can go save Vanessa."

I gave her a puzzling look. "What do you mean?"

She gave an exasperated eye roll. "If you untie me, I'll explain along the way."

I made way toward her, untying her hands and feet from the lamppost. She rolled her neck and cracked her knuckles, her blonde hair shaping into short black, and her blue eyes forming into brown. Her casual jeans and t-shirt morphed into a long green and silver dress.

"Come along now." She said. "If you don't shut your mouth, you're going to swallow some flies."

She made her way into the forest, and then looked back at me. "Well now, are you coming or not?"

I hastily nodded my head, and made my way after her, running into the think forest.

"Who are you?" I asked, panting.

"My name is something you do not need to know, or at least for the time being." She said, with out taking a breath. "Now catch up dear, or Vanessa will destroy herself and everyone in this pitiful city."

I rushed after her, as she gained a sudden new burst of speed.

Please, please, please, be okay Vanessa.

Vanessa Blue (Throne of Glass/Percy Jackson aftermath crossover)Where stories live. Discover now