Chapter 1

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What's up guys,

So I had this book published under the name "The Secret Sister" then I re-read it and was like woah I gotta redo this whole book. So if you have read my past book and are thinking this one is different, it will be the same plot just written differently. If you had not read it before, welcome to my new book!

Also I have a lot more books planned for the future I just struggle to have a scheduled writing plan as I often get sidetracked.

Now enough with the gibergaber,

Let's get on with the book,

Till next time,



<Ezra's pov>

"'It'll be a routine op' he said 'We'll be in and out' he said 'I have a plan' he said, bullsh*t." Sabine said running beside me.

'Sabine language.' Hera said over the com. We were currently in a shootout between Sabine and I and a pack of stormtroopers.

'Spector 5, Spector 6, the rendezvous is in ten minutes I need you to hurry up.' Kanan said through the com.

"Rodger that Spector 1." Sabine said then looked at me. "Do you still have that miracle I gave you before?"

"Yep." I said tossing it to her. She threw it at the imperials and there was a loud boom and all the stormtroopers were down. Sabine and I stood up and looked at each other in a moment of uncomfortable silence.

"So we'll split up on the way to the rendezvous, good?" Sabine asked, breaking the ice.

"Ya, sure, okay." I replied and started to head east. I ran across the rooftops of the small Lothal town we were currently in and eventually stopped to look around. Stormtroopers were crawling all over the town looking for Sabine and I, I ducked into an abandoned building and tried my hardest to not make a sound as a patrol squad walked next to the small house. The Patrol passed and I let out a breath, then my com beeped.

'Spector 6 where are you? Spector 5 got here five minutes ago.' Kanan said.

"To many troopers in this area, I gotta lay low until things die down." I replied as another patrol passed by on a street close by.

'Alright Spector 6, see you at the Ghost tomorrow no later than 11.' Kanan said.

"Rodger that, Spector 6 out." I said turning off my com. I took a look around the place I was in. The actual structure looked like an exact replica of my parents house in Central City but there was no furniture and dust everywhere. If this was an exact replica the there should be a room down the hall. I rounded the corner and saw a door slightly ajar. Looking into it I gave a sad smile as I imagined all my stuff from when I was younger inside.

Suddenly I felt something ripple through the force. I quickly slid into the room as a figure walked by and into another room. It was to small to be a stormtrooper but to big to be some child exploring the city. As quietly as I could, I slid back out of the room and crept my way over to the room the figure went in. I braced myself for the worst as I opened the door but what surprised me was the bed role to one side of the room, a trooper helmet collection and no person. I was about to turn around when something hit my back causing me to fall into the room. I flipped onto my back and not a second later a foot was planted into my chest as I tried to get up.

"Who are you?" The person asked. She was female but I couldn't see her face in the poor lighting.

"I should be asking you the same question." I spat back. I could see her body tense a bit more as her foot dig into my chest more. Well if she's an imperial and she sees my face the she will know who I am so might as well try something. I held my hand out in front of her and she was pushed against the wall as I got up rubbing my sore chest.

"That was a cheap move." She said standing back up. The girl took a step forward and bent down to pick something up. When I got a good look at it I noticed it was a lantern. She pulled out a match and light the lantern then quickly snuffed out the small flame on the match. She put the lantern back down and I could see her face now. She had dark blue hair that was in a braid going down her back with some sticking out the front. She had tanned skin and electric blue eyes just like mine. She hand a black t-shirt on that was a couple sizes to big for her and black and blue fingerless gloves with bandages around her wrists. She had on black cargo pants and black and blue combat boots. I recognized her immediately.

"Storm." I said breathless.

"Nice to see you too Ezra, you got some good moves." She stated making me blush. She laughed then walked up and hugged me. I hugged back, it was the first time I had seen Storm in eight years.

"How did you escape the empire?" I asked her, she looked down for a moment.

"The lock on my cell was lose so I was able to get free, then I fled to this town and have been living here ever since." She said.

"Why didn't you come back to me!" I yelled suddenly angry now. "We could have survived together!"

"Chill! I would've come back to you if I could, but when I got here the towns people were in desperate need of help!" Storm yelled back. "I wanted to come back to you, I just couldn't." She said the last part quietly.

"Storm, I..." I started to say but there was a loud band at the door. I looked at Storm and noticed we had the same thing on our minds.

The imperials found us.


What's up guys,

Woah, exciting chapter. But it's a good cliffhanger so I'm just gonna leave it like that. I will try to upload every week if I can but I have another book on the run and if I can't I'll try uploading two chapters for this book in one week. Again the little note I wrote up top is super important so please read it!

Till next time,


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