Chapter 8

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<Ezra's pov>

I was trying to fall asleep. It wasn't really working much. Every time I closed my eyes I saw the explosion. The past couple days when I managed to fall asleep he had a dream where Sabine and Storm died in the explosion, then the inquisitors killed the rest of the crew and forced me to turn to the dark side. So basically I haven't gotten a lot of sleep. I also haven't told Kanan about the nightmares yet, cause he would worry over it to much, and we need to focus on finding Sabine and Storm right now.

My emotions can wait.

I jumped off my bunk quietly not to wake Zeb. Walking out of the cabin I went to the nose gun and stared at the stars. Whenever I needed to calm down I came here. The stars were a great reminder that there was more to the galaxy than our little world.

I momentarily closed my eyes and saw the explosion again. My eyes shot open and tears began to make my eyes blurry. I wiped the tears away but the blurriness didn't leave. Oh great. I thought. Images flashed through my mind.

Sabine and Storm laying bleeding in a cell...
The Ghost caught in a huge explosion...
Sabine, Storm, and I in the Phantom, flying to Lothal...
Storm running into a burning room...
A star destroyer burning over a plant...
Storm, older looking, smiling at me...
"Glad you're not dead Blueberry." She said.
"Same here Wings." I heard myself say.

I woke up with a gasp. Hera was looking down at me worriedly.

"Are you ok?" She asked. I nodded, not trusting my voice, and sat up. It was only then that I realized I was on the floor.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same thing." Hera said. "I was in the cockpit then I heard a thump and found you lying on the floor."

"I-I think I had a vision." I confessed. Hera's eyes went wide.

"We have to tell Kanan." She said. Hera started to get up but I grabbed her wrist.

"No we can't tell Kanan." I said. I tried to hide the fear in my voice but enough slipped past for Hera to notice.

"Ezra, what did you see?" Hera asked. Her voice was completely serious, and it was a bit scary to be honest. I myself was trying to hide my panicking right now but was falling a lot.

"I can't say anything. If I say anything then the images might come true." I said. I curled into a tight ball and tried to melt into the floor. Hera sat down next to me and gave me a side hug. Normally I wouldn't like the contact, but right now I was grateful.

"I promise I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to, but Ezra, I need to know what you saw in case anything bad is coming soon. For the safety of the crew." Hera whispered. She was right, I had to tell her but after Travis, I didn't know if I could trust my vision. My vision started to get blurry again and I feared I was having another vision, but when my face started to get wet, I knew I was crying.

I tried to stop the tears but I couldn't. I didn't like crying, it showed weakness. Hera picked me up and put me on her lap. Probably wasn't to hard, I am very underweight from years on the street. "S-S-Sa-bine a-and S-Storm were i-injured. T-the G-G-Ghost in a-a ex-ex-explosion." I tried to talk but with the stuttering and the tears it was hard. Hera just pulled me closer to her chest.

"It's alright to cry Ezra. Sometimes you need to let it all out." That was all I needed. I started sobbing while Hera hugged me tighter. After 10 minutes my sobs became quieter and calmer. I took a deep breath and sunk into Hera. The moment of bliss was short lived, because the explosion passed before my eyes again. That caused me to flinch, and unfortunately, Hera noticed.

<Hera's pov>

I was worried about Ezra. The past few days since Sabine and Storm were captured, he had been quieter and even less fore coming than usual. He wouldn't even chase Chopper when the droid shocked him. When I found him lying on the floor in the nose gun I got even more worried. Something was wrong, and I knew it wasn't just the vision he told me about.

He had been sobbing, siting in my lap, for 10 minutes now and was calming down. I was about to say something when I felt him flinch.

"Ezra what's wrong?" I asked him.

"N-nothing." Ezra answered. He didn't even lift his head. Alright, something else was definitely wrong. I pushed Ezra gently off my chest so I could see his face. His eyes were bloodshot and his cheeks were pink. He also had large bangs under his eyes. I'm not sure how I didn't notice them before.

"When is the last time you slept? And I mean actually slept?" I asked. Ezra looked down and said nothing. The answer was unsaid but clear. I pulled him back to my chest and hugged him tight, and started smoothing down his hair. "Why aren't you sleeping?" I asked.

"Nightmares." He answered. "The crew d-d-dying, S-Storm too, then the inquisitors tried to t-turn m-me." I felt really bad for Ezra. He had a tough shell, but a soft inside. He started crying again, and started to soak my shirt. I didn't care though because Ezra had been keeping his emotions in far to long.

"It's alright hon, you can sleep now, I'll make sure no more nightmares come." I whispered. This was all Ezra needed. His breath evened out and his tense body relaxed. Ezra's emotional health was deteriorating fast, ever since Sabine and Storm had been taken by the Empire. We needed to start doing more to find the two. A lot more than what we were currently doing.

I heard footsteps and looked up to see Kanan walk in. We must have been here all night. He looked confused at first before seeing Ezra curled up in my lap. He kneeled down next to me and put a hand on Ezra's foot.

"We need to find them soon." I said.

"Right." He nodded. "What's the first step?"

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