Chapter 2

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<Storm's pov>

"The vents." I whispered and Ezra nodded. We ran to one corner of the room and Ezra took the vent plate off and climbed in. I climbed in after and put the plate back on as soon as the troopers came into the room. I started crawling after Ezra giving him directions on how to get out of the building. "Go up." I whispered, and Ezra started climbing up so I went after him. "Drop on me and you're dead." I hissed.

"Noted." He said. Ezra pushed another plate and climbed out right before me. We were looking over the small town and I could count about fifty troopers all around the house. I would've bet a million credits that every trooper was there but I didn't have a million credits. None of the troopers were looking up and I wanted to keep it that way so I tapped Ezra's arm the pointed to one of the imperial speeders. He nodded and we jumped down. Of course this immediately alerted every bucket head.

"After them!" The commander screeched. Ezra and I ran to a speeder and I got in position to drive while Ezra hoped on the back and started shooting stormtroopers.

"Hey so I know you have a crew because your wanted posters are posted everywhere! So can I use your com to contact them, cause I can guaranty we won't be coming back here!" I yelled over the wind. Without saying a word he tossed me his com and went back to shooting bucket heads. "Hello this is Spector 6, I could use a little help!" I said into the com. Ezra took a moment to stop shooting and looked back at me with a look of confusion all over his face but just then his com beeped.

'Alright who are you, and what did you do to Ezra?'

<Kanan's pov>

I was sitting in the cockpit with Hera. Sabine was painting another part of The Ghost and Zeb was sleeping. I was worried about Ezra even thought sub-consciously I knew he would be fine. "I know you're worried about Ezra love, but we both know he should be fine as long as he stays hidden." Hera said looking over at me.

"I know that, but I'm still worried." I said. Hera just looked at me with a sympathetic look. The com beeped signifying someone was about to contact The Ghost.

'Hello this is Spector 6, I could use a little help here!' A girl said. Hera and I looked back at each other confusion etched into our faces.

"Alright who are you, and what did you do with Ezra?" I asked. There was a pause on the other end and then a loud shot was heard making Hera and I flinch.

'Holy sh*t!' The girl exclaimed. 'To close, Ezra I thought you were shooting the bucket heads!'

'I am but you keep moving the speeder!' Ezra said. I let lose a sigh of relief that Ezra was fine. Well as fine as you can be being chased by stormtroopers.

'If I wasn't moving around we would both be dead!' The female said. I had to agree with her but I knew how hard it was to shoot when the transport you are on is moving.

"Ezra are you there?" Hera asked.

'Ya I'm here.' Ezra said.

"What's going on over there?" She asked.

'Someone I'm with started making a lot of noise an-' Ezra started but was interrupted.

'You started yelling, I was trying to calm you down.' The girl said.

'Anyways, I was making a lot of noise and the bucket heads found us so we sorta stole a speeder to get away.' He said. Hera just sighed.

'God damn it!' The girl yelled.

'What?' Ezra asked. This can't be good. I thought.

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