Chapter 7

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<Storm's pov>

A thirteen year old Storm ducked under a fruit stand as Imperials ran by. 'That was too close.' I thought. The girl walked into a nearby passageway and climbed onto a roof. Sitting there was another thirteen year old girl. This one had blonde hair and an imperial cadet uniform on.

"Did you really have to cause such a scene?" The girl asked.

"Depends on whose asking." I replied. The girl, Stephanie, looked up and smiled.

"What's new Storm?" Stephanie asked. I simply shrugged.

"Not much, but you said you had something important to tell me?" I questioned.

"Ya, he's back." Stephanie said. I froze. This was not good. If Trip was back in town, then disaster usually follows.

"Why is he back, the last time we saw him, he was going to train to become and inquisitor." I asked. Stephanie simply shrugged.

"We should stock up on food, if Trip is coming back then we can't go out much." Stephanie said standing up.

"Right." I replied. We jumped down and started walking. Stephanie took the lead and directed us towards an abandoned building on the outskirts of town.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"I got some intel that there was food here." She said. Stephanie said nothing more.

We entered the building and there was nothing. I was immediately on high alert with my lightsabers in hand.

"Steph?" I asked hesitant. Stephanie turned towards me and pulled a lightsaber from in between her back and bag. I activated both green blades and pointed one at Steph with one defending my back. Stephanie activated her blade and a red light filled the room.

"You should join us." She said.

"Like I would do that." I replied. Steph charged and I brought both blades in front of me to block.

We were in a sabre lock when a voice rang out.

"Enough." A male voice said. Stephanie backed off and I twirled with a lightsaber blocking both Steph and Kieran.

"No need to get so defensive, after all we've know each other for years." Kieran said spreading his arms wide. He was dressed in the whole imperial getup.

"You betrayed my trust, and became an inquisitor, why shouldn't I cut you in half right now?" I asked. He gave me an amused look.

"Because I know you. I know we used to be friends, and I know you would never strike me down. Not if lives were at stake." Kieran said walking forward. He reached out to my hand and took my lightsaber. I didn't stop him.

My lightsabers clattered uselessly to the floor and I hung my head. As much as I hated him, I couldn't kill Kieran. He was family.

And I've lost enough family already.

"Good girl." He said creepily. "Join us, it is your destiny. Stephanie has already realized that."

"No. Not in a million years." I snapped. Stephanie snarled and put her lightsaber to my neck.

"He wasn't asking." She snapped. Kieran raised a hand and Stephanie turned off her weapon.

"Choice is something we all have, time is something we are running out of. If you do not join us today, we will leave in peace. But only because we are friends, and used to be family." Kieran said. I nodded and he let out a sigh.

"We will meet again someday Storm Bridger." He said. Then everything went black.

End of flashback story thing

"When I woke up I was alone and every year on that day I would see Stephanie following me, but never approached." I said. I hurt all over but that wasn't the biggest of my concerns right now.
Number 1: get Sabine to trust me
Number 2: escape
Number 3: take care of any upcoming problems
Number 4: take care of injuries

"How long did you know them?" Sabine asked. She was still a bit scared.

"Since I first entered that town. Kieran and Steph helped me survive, helped me learn the secrets of the streets. Until Kieran disappeared, then Steph joined him." I said, my voice gradually getting quieter. Sabine looked at me with sadness.

"I'm sorry." Sabine said.

"It's not your fault, there was nothing you could have done to stop it." I said. "What I need you to know is that not all of us are the same."

Sabine looked at me with confusion. "I'm not sure-"

"I know you know what I mean. I know some traumatic event must have happened to make you fear the winged species. But I need you to not be scared of me, because if your ever gonna marry my brother, I'm going to want to attend your wedding." I said. A smirk was plastered onto my face as I saw Sabine blush.

"I-I don't know what your talking about." She said desperately trying to hide her blush.

"Come on, he likes you, you like him, it couldn't be more laid out for you if it was a bucket head waiting for a blast to the head." I said. Sabine smiled.

"I'm sorry about the factory. It's just my sister w-was k-k-killed by a member of the winged species and my mind just flashed back." Sabine stuttered.

"No problem, I understand." I said. "Now how are we going to get out of here?"

The door opened not even a second after I finished talking. The fifth brother and seventh sister walked in and the door closed.

"Now that the other one is awake, let's have a little fun." The seventh sister said.

Le time skip

When the inquisitors were done Sabine was just as bloody and bruised as I was. But Sabine didn't tell them anything, which is good I guess. The inquisitors were leaving and I noticed my lightsabers on the female inquisitors belt.

Thinking quickly I connected with the force and pulled the lightsabers off her belt before she exited the room. The door closed and I let the sabers fall to the floor. I looked at Sabine and saw her lift her head.

"I just got our way out of here." I said.

"Then why are we sitting here, let's get out of this dump." Sabine replied.

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