Chapter 10

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<Storm's pov>

I woke up separated from Sabine. That's not what worried me the most, it was the person standing in front of me. She was tall, with blond hair, put into a ponytail and yellow-red eyes.

"So how'd you grow five inches in two years?" I asked, in a light tone. The person in front of me gave a heavy glare. She pulled a tube out of her uniform and put it in a machine, twisting it. The cameras turned off and I started to get confused.

"You shouldn't be here." Stephanie said. I hate people sometimes. To confusing.

"Well I'm sorry, I didn't ask to be captured. Plus what are you even doing here? Aren't you supposed to be serving Kieran or whatever." I said snarky like. Steph frowned for a minute and I felt bad. She seemed genuinely hurt by the remark.

"You know I made sure Kieran never went after you after that first encounter. I also checked in on you, that same day every year since it happened." Stephanie was trying to get me to trust her. Her body language was saying she wasn't going to hurt me but I was still confused as hell.

Stephanie is supposed to be training to become an inquisitor and torturing prisoners. Especially ones who have a bad past with the one torturing. Stephanie sat down in front of me and brushed some hair out of my face. Stephanie then placed a gentle hand on my cheek and gave a sad smile.

"Why are you doing this Steph?" I asked. Man do I hate emotions. My brain was a mess with everything going on. I could barely control my wings that were twitching, wanting to spread out.

"I was so close to getting all the information. If you had waited a week I would have given the information to the rebellion and I would have gone back for you." Stephanie was on the verge of tears. The waves of sadness were flowing off her in waves. I let go of my emotions to and slumped over. I can't believe how weak I am.

Stephanie is supposed to be my enemy, not someone I care about.

"I thought the worse of you for years. I thought you were just another imperial, trying to destroy all the beauty in the universe. I can't believe how wrong I was." I whispered. Steph pulled me in for a hug but I winced in pain.

"Sorry." Steph muttered. "I can't help you escape, but I could forget to put a force suppresser in you then you can escape. Your friend is in cell BD-52, I'll get the rest of the information and meet up with you again. I promise." Stephanie didn't give me time to answer before kissing me on the cheek and walking out of the cell.

I forgot what I was doing for a minute. I was so distracted in emotions that my wings flopped down. I felt my face burn up and I mentally cursed.

Focusing, I broke the chains holding me down with the force and quickly stood up, opening the door. I ran to the nearest lift, thankfully not running into any Imperials, and put the cell number into the computer.

A map appeared and I started running to the right. Adrenaline was pumping through me and I felt like I was gonna burst. Take a right, two lefts, straight until I feel Sabine. I reached the final hallway and slowed to a walk. I was surprised to not run into any Imperials on the way, but right now I was thankful for the luck.

Stopping in front of a door I opened it with the force. Sabine was staring at me with a wide smile.

"Now we can get out of here." I said.

<Ezra's pov>

I was flying the phantom. So far it was going better than last time but I was still really nervous. This plan was almost as bad as when Storm was trying to sneak out at five. But if everything went well, then it would be worth it.

'Spector 6 are you in position?' Hera asked.

"Ya, I'm ready for this." I replied. The Ghost flew in front of me and started the attack on the star destroyer. Every Tie went after The Ghost like the Empire didn't believe there was another ship. Amateurs. I quickly flew the phantom into a docking port and got out.

There were no stormtroopers around which gave me relief but made me nervous at the same time. I came up to some cells and focused on the force. I could feel Storm so I reached out to her. I felt her force signature reach out and connect to mine. Storm was almost on the other side of the ship!

"You have got to be kidding me." I muttered.

"Nope not kidding you." Storm's voice said in my head. "If you could get here asap, I guarantee you your girlfriend will appreciate it!"

"Sabine's not my girlfriend!" I yelled in my head. Out loud I muttered. "Not yet at least."

I started running again and didn't stop when I started feeling pain.

<Sabine's pov>

I knew our luck was to good when we didn't run into a stormtrooper. Of course we managed to bump right into the inquisitors. I could tell Storm wanted to fly in the other direction, but something changed in her mind, so now I'm setting up some bombs while Storm was in a duel with the inquisitors.

Her green blades clashed with the red ones over and over again, but Storm was having a bit of trouble. I continued to work on the bombs and looked up just in time to see Storm get slashed on the face. She gave a cry of pain and fell down. I ran up and grabbed one of her lightsabers and held it in a defensive position.

"Do you think you can honestly defeat us child?" The female inquisitor asked. I bit my lip knowing I couldn't on my own.

"Maybe with my help." A voice said. I turned around and saw Ezra. I smiled as he ran up next to me. "You ready?" He asked. The kid of the crew and the one I loved smiled back at me.

"You bet." I said.


What's up guys,

I am so sorry this chapter is not only a bit shorter than usual, but it's also been almost a month since I last updated. But it here now so it's all good! Right?

Anyways that's all I have to say for now.

Till next time,


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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