Chapter 4

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<Storm's pov>

I knew my wings twitched. I knew Hera probably saw them twitch. But no one said anything, so I didn't either. Ezra and I had finished the tour and were sitting in the common room alone. Ezra looked around for a minute before looking at me.  "So how are your wings holding up?" He asked.

"Pretty good but I haven't flown in a long time. The only other person who knew what Obi-Wan, but he found out by accident." I responded. Ezra only gave a small nod, but there was a sadness in his eyes.  I knew he was sad that he was no longer the only one who knew about my wings besides my parents, but it was truly an accident.


I had just finished helping some people who were being terrorized by the Empire and I had to lay low for awhile again. This was not a fun time cause one, it was not fun, and two, I was running low on food.

The man living with me was fine, I could tell he was getting enough food. All the credits he gave me went to the people in the town so there was none left for me. Ten days without food can make someone go crazy.

I entered my house and flopped onto the floor just lying there for what felt like hours. My shoulder hurt a lot cause a trooper hit me when I wasn't paying attention and I had to get it medical attention.

The opening of a door got my attention and I looked up to see the man walk into the room, closing the door behind him. He gave a small chuckle as he saw me lying on the floor. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Eh the usual, hiding from the Empire. Had to happen at some point. No one has that good luck." I said lifting my arms up then dramatically flopping them back onto the floor. That was a mistake though, as pain shot up my arm causing me to wince.

"Are you okay?" He asked, sympathy in his voice.

"Yep, just a blaster shot. Should be fine by the time I'm not wanted." I replied rolling my shoulder. It actually hurt a lot but I have to deal with it.

"Let me take a look at it."  He said kneeling next to me. I didn't give a verbal response as I sat up and rolled my sleeve up. It was swollen with a bit of blood trickling down my arm.

"Damn, I didn't think it was this bad."  I stated. The man lightly touched my injury, I hissed in pain and he pulled his hand back.

"I believe I can help with that, just give me a moment." He stated before leaving the room. I sat there for a minute before my wings started to bother me so I let them climb out of my shirt. I spread my wings out to their full length at about ten feet. My wings were black and scaly and a few of the scales fell off.

The man came back into the room, holding a first aid box, and stared wide-eyed. I quickly folded my wings back up and tried to act like nothing happened.  "Um, hey t-there." I said nervously.

The man regained himself and calmly sat back down. He took some gauze out of the first aid box and started wrapping it around my shoulder. "A long time ago, back before the clone wars, I had heard of special individuals who were gifted with the power of flight. I did not know how they flew, but I asked an old friend of mine and he said that they were gifted with different wings. After that I encountered numerous species with wings, and DO you want to know what they said?" He asked me. At first I didn't know what to say. My mouth didn't work because I couldn't process what I had just heard.

"U-Um ya." I stuttered. 

"They wouldn't hide their wings even if they were being hunted." He said. I stared wide-eyed. "They said that at one point they did, but they knew that their wings were gifts, not curses. Don't hide who you are Storm, It won't end well."

"I'll try." I replied.

"Do or do not, there is no try"

Flashback end

Ezra looked at me with a smirk. "What?" I asked.

"Kanan told me that before." He replied. "If Obi-Wan told you not to hide your wings why do you?"

"It would make me easily recognizable in town if I was running from the Empire." I stated.

"Enough said." Ezra knew that being invisible while being hunted was crucial and I respected him for that. Hera and Kanan then came in and Hera woke Chopper up. Moments later Sabine and Zeb came in. From the way Hera looked at me I knew she had heard the whole story. I gave her a look that said tell you later and she nodded.

"Thanks for coming, we have a new mission." Hera said.

"Wait, weren't we going back to the fleet?" Zeb asked.

"We were but then Ashoka sent us the mission." Hera replied.

"The Empire has been shipping powerful weapons off world and our job is to gain possession of the weapons, as well as, destroy the factory." Kanan said. "Storm, you will be Spector 7 on missions."

"Alright." I replied calmly, but inside IS was freaking out. My very first mission!

"Ezra, Sabine, and Storm will infiltrate the facility after Zeb and I have to entrance locked down. Any questions?"

"Ya, how are we supposed to place charges and get out of the factory with bucket heads everywhere?" Sabine asked.

"I may be able to help with that one." I said. Everyone looked my way and I smirked.

"Good enough for me, everyone suit up we will leave in thirty minutes." Kanan said. Kanan and Hera left and a few minutes later so did Zeb and Ezra. My smile was replaced by a frown as I felt something ripple through the force.

"What is it?" Sabine asked. For a moment I was startled, because I forgot Sabine was in here.

"It's nothing, just have a bad feeling about something." I replied.

"Should we tell Kanan and Hera, because if something bad is going to happen on this mission..." Sabine trailed off.

"It's probably nothing, it could be anything I have to worry about." I said standing up. Lies, I was a liar.

"One piece of advice, before a mission don't worry about anything other than the mission, cause it will just distract you." Sabine said.

"Thanks." I said smiling. She gave a smile back.

"Come on, let's get you settled in our room." Sabine said.

"Alright let's go." I replied. Something bad was going to happen.

And it was going to happen soon.


What's up guys,

I just can't update on time to save my life. I'm really sorry about that. But hey at least I posted it. So there's that. But that's enough said.

Till next time,


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