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So I was tagged by rebel_lella so here are 15 facts about me:

1. I am bisexual
2. I am in many fandoms including How To Train Your Dragon so the fact that the release date for the third movie keeps being pushed back is killing me
3. I like to draw a lot but I'm not really good and sometimes I have a hard time finding motivation to draw.
4. I am currently writing a book. Like a real life book not something on Wattpad
5. I have a cat named Boomer, but I usually call him kitty or cat
6. Star Wars has taken over my life to a point where any person who is not in a fandom would think it's sad😂
7. I am a paddler at the Rideau Canoe Club and specialize in kayaking
8. One of the best moments of my life is when me and my best friend got first in a K2 (kayak for two people) race and got gold medals
9. I have a bit of OCD
10. I will refuse to wear skirts or dresses and makeup, anything for hair and pink. Definitely nothing pink
11. I used to be top of my class for math but in grade 8 my teacher didn't teach us anything so my grades went down
12. The first fandom I joined was the Pokemon fandom
13. I have a giant collection of Sharpies as in over 100 markers
14. When spark of the rebellion first came out I thought Star Wars Rebels was stupid, but halfway through season 1 I started watching it and know I can't live without it
15. I live a very consistent life so when Star Wars Rebels started the 4 week break it broke my schedule and I sat in silence the entire time an episode was supposed to play

So that was 15 facts about me.
I don't have anyone to tag...so...
I'm just going to say I'm working on the next chapter I'm just in a bit of a writers block right now.

Chapter 7 will be here soon!

Till next time


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