So who am i now?

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The guy in the trench coat looked up at me."well hello chase, I'm only, in the teams leader, I can create objects out of my mind, hell even people but it takes crazy concentration." I turned to the guy bathed in red light and only spoke up"that's max, he has heat related powers, he can suck up the heat from any object, even people and expel it from his body in blasts or an aura."
I looked over at the blonde girl who was hugging the dark haired girl and she spoke up"hi I'm skye, I have sound manipulation powers and my girlfriend Jordan can control metal." Finally I looked at the girl with the orange hair, she had faint pale skin.she looked up and smiled at me.damn she was cute, she then started to speak up"hi, I'm Jessica, I can control glass, as you can tell all illegals have increased vitality a and strength, speed and all that other fun stuff, well don't just stand there like a dummy."she laughed a little"take off your jacket and take a seat, you need to eat, training is in one hour after this and we need to get you caught up."

As we were eating i made utensil constructs and talked with my group more, by the time we finished I pulled my hoodie back on and we went to our rooms. When I got to my room, holy hell it was a lot nicer than a prison cell, it had a bed, a closet, a bathroom, a tv, a weapons rack, mission suits, and even old picture of me, it was perfect.

I stayed in the room for a little then went to the training area with my team, today was just the basics and fundamentals of our team and to see what I could do. Only made some dummies appear and told me to do my worst and to make it more of a challenge but up walls and obstacles I had to traverse over to get to the targets, I split myself into three and we moved fast, I vaulted over the walls with ease and came upon the first dummy, I told the other two to move on ahead and summoned a lance construct and speared the dummy through the head. I kept moving and above I saw one of the duplicates threads a dummy with hail and the other with lightning.i ran up to them and I absorbed them back in. Above me was a dummy on a ledge*i looked at the dummy and he became heavier and fell off the ledge breaking its neck. Finally as my last test there were a hundred dummies in front of me, I multiplied myself and we ripped through the dummies until they were just shreds.

  My group looked up at me in horror, I smirked at them"so, who am I now?" Jess looked at me, "what did they do to're powerful, but you need training"  she held out her hand and a ball of spiked glass speared, I started to back away slowly until it launched at me. I created a shield and deflect the ball as the others started to use their powers on me, I guess this was my first test.

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