People die, people change

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Let's face the facts of life, people die, it can be slow, fast, rushed, or perfectly precise. But it's a constant in life. I was finally out of the infirmary and back in my old room. Detective Hudson and my friends had helped me get back into the swing of things and I tried out my new energy manipulation ability.

Apparently the deal with that is that anything has energy, and I can take and weaponize that energy in short quantities or mass amounts. Long story short, no one is safe, not like they were to begin with though. As much as I like my ion costume, I like my regular attire  so I decided to wear that for the day.

After we took Johnathan Hanson into custody we kept him locked up tightly. He stood at a desk looking through a window with me at the other side. I picked up the phone and he picked up his end of the line. "Hello son."
"Hello father, it's good to finally be able to have a conversation with you without wanting to smash your skull in."
"Don't be cocky now son, you're only going to get yourself more hurt, like when I was teaching you to ride your bike, or shoot your guns, or your first girlfriend." We both started to laugh, those and a couple others were the best times I spent with my dad, but when my mother died, we both spiraled out of control, I joined the military and Dad..he became and abusive ruler of a country.  "Son, I'm am don't deserve this sadness in your life, I-" there was an explosion. Then another.

The red warning lights started to go off and I got up and my father was used to his cell by Rutherford. I went to the top side and say what it was Jessica and Jackson with an army of soldiers attacking the stronghold. I summoned a dense fog that surrounded their soldiers. I pulled up my hold and started hurling bolts of lighting, and spears of energy. Bonnie came out with an assault rifle and some troops followed her into battle. Then I started to get the dark thoughts again. The growing darkness in my soul. My eyes turned purple and I absorbed the life energy of all the enemy troops, dropping them all like flies, one hundred men killed in an instant, then I released that energy point blank.

Jessica's body turned to dust, ash and bones. Finally she was ended. Jackson Way escaped to the cell section. "Ah fuck." I realized that he was freeing my father as I saw a large stone bolder crush Rutherford against the corridor wall. Detective Hudson ran up to me and we got back to back, he pulled out his hand gun and the symbols on his shirt started to glow, any projectile fired at his was deflected back at the enemy. That's when the worst sight in my life appeared before me. My father with Jackson next to him held max in his hand. His wings turned to fire, his uniform colors changed to black and red, he got up and started glowing. "I am the Phoenix!" He bellowed and rushed Travis and I.

I was caught off guard and he took me to the floor, burying me deep into the ground. I activated my gravity powers, made max lighter and punched him off of me. Hagan and Connor ran into the room and hagan started shooting off fireballs and concentrated beams of heat at Jackson and more of the enemy troops stormed the corridor. The four of us stood back to back in a cross shape and fended off the enemy, bolts of lighting, air, fire and bullets were shot at all sides.

Johnathan turned to Jackson and max and mouthed something. Max turned to solar flair and everyone crouched down to avoid the harsh light and heat, then Jackson covered the room in ice, impaling Connor and escaped with the other two in tow. Originally, when max flew he flew like an angel, now, he was a fiery streak across the sky.

"Hudson, help Connor! Hagan, follow me!" I yelled and I went to the lab and put on a small breast plate. "Do you k ow what you're even doing chase, something can go wrong and well all be screwed!" I put on my Ion goggles and my hands glowed and translucent, sickly green. "I know what I can do!" I activated the pack and a pair of black angel wings spread a cross my back and unfolded as I took of into the sky.

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