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He landed into the statue and it broke, a piece of it landed on him. I started hearing cheers from the crowd, I started to make spear and lance constructs and hurled them at him. He took each one to the chest, I threw bolt after bolt of lightning and tire sized balls of hail to catch him off guard. And he just took it, took all the punishment I was giving. Then I stopped. "Is it too much old man, face it, you're just begging me to end you now." Then he got up, he made gauntlets of earth and stone and clocked me upside the head. I hit the ground then heard his voice."I think I'm too much." I don't know my fathers powers except earth and flying, but there were more. He started to draw in solar energy and charged up. He flew high into the air in an intractable place. "Fuck" I quietly muttered to myself. Then I realized something. I raised my hands and he fell to the ground and made a hole, a very, deep hole. I made a fist and he sunk deeper. At that moment, my father was in the ground, me crushing him, then I looked over, I saw her, I saw Ellie, and then I saw Jessica, they exchanged a flash drive and walked off. I let go. I let everything go. My anger engulfed me and my eyes turned into a purple color. "I hate you!" I screamed as I pushed my boot into his face. Over and over again. They paid Ellie to track my weaknesses, oh, and this is the good part. I put a hand in his chest and absorbed his power, I got his energy manipulation and stole the life energy from three people in the crowd, killing them instantly, I aimed that energy at Johnathan and he took it point blank.

  I later there, in the crater adjacent to Johnathan's crater. Two helicopters flew in, one was armed with resistance soldiers all armed and the other was holding my friends and Jeremy. I started to lose consciousness, a tall, slender girl with black hair ran over to me and took my gun. She leveled the gun at a police bot and took aim, then my friends ran over, Morgan used his telekinesis to pick up my body and Isaac reformed the earth so the craters disappeared. Connor used his super speed and finished off the rest of the police along with the girl. Hagan, max, cole and Shay stayed with me on my helicopter and the guards put Johnathan in a containment unit and loaded him onto the other helicopter and took off.

The girl with the black hair rushed over to me and protected me until re reached the helicopter, apparently half of the people in that crowd were massacred by enforcement bots and the rest of them were saved by the rebels, I was aching all over. The girl with the black hair took off the jacket and goggles I was wearing. "Shh, it's all gonna be're safe here."

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