The new day

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I woke up that morning with Ellie next to me in bed, her hair was a mess and we were all snuggled up together. I got up and pulled of my shorts and t-shirt and put on my pants, a new shirt and my hoodie. I made a small batch of hot chocolate and made a mug for Ellie. I pulled on my sneakers and pack and walked out the room and down the hallway. On my way out I saw my friends, Connor, cole, Shay, Morgan, and Isaac. They were all illegals, I freed them from the prison I was kept in and they're almost like my wolf pack, loyal, intelligent and ever so vigilant.

I climbed over buildings and made it to the hospital. I walked in and was greeted by the skulls medical professionals Axel and Sean. They led me to where Max was, his left leg and right arm were replaced with metal ones, so was his chest, half his face was scared. He wore an armor plate with a core of blue energy to keep him powered. "So how do you feel?"
"Like I just got out of a mechanic," He laughed."this is gonna take some getting used to, but it's pretty cool."
"So now I'm intrigued, what all can you do?"
"So I'm pretty tough now, super strength, my heat based powers as well as lasers, I also can fly."
"You cannot fly."
"Watch." He pressed a button an his chest and a large pair of wings sprouted from the back of his armor. "They act as shields, extra blades, and travel."
"Nice, let get out of here."

He retracted the wings and we walked out of the hospital. We went back up to our new base in haven mountain, we took over the resistance and now have full control of their facilities, assets, weapons, and soldiers, as well as any special assets out of the country. I put Katherine in charge of them so we can keep everything together beside she doesn't like fighting. I went back to my little room and saw Ellie sitting in the table reading.

I went up behind her and gave her a huge hug"hey babe!" I said as I kissed her cheek. "Hey chase! How's max?"
"He's doing fine, how was your morning?"
"It was perfect." I smiles and kissed her. "Want me to make you some breakfast?"
"Sure, can I have pancakes with sausage?"
"Of course" I made the meal for the two of us and we sat and enjoyed our meal and each other's company. It was perfect.

I went to Katherine's office and knocked on her door. "Come in!" I walked in and saw her sitting at her desk with a laptop in front of her. She looked up and smiled. "Hey chase, how are you?"
"I'm good, what are all the assets we have available right now, I want to start hunting the graces, I also want to find way and start our attack on the city."
"Ok so here's what's a definite, copters, battle taxis with mounted guns and missile pods, tanks, and maybe more troops."
"This is good news, I want this city to be mine as fast as I can take control of it."

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