See the man run

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So here I was, surrounded, hands I. The air like a little bitch just waiting I get shot, then I think to myself that if I could raise a fog to cover the guards I could use my gravity to weight down their guns and save my team. I extended my palm and a thick mist filled the room and the guards started coughing, I spawned two other me's and hades them knives as I pulled out my Kukri and hacked their forces down to size.
"Hansen lets go, evac has an ETA of 5min so let's get going!"
I absorbed the two back into myself and started sprinting toward the exit, over head an alarm was blaring overhead about my escape and we all ran faster. Small hurdles appeared and I traversed over them with ease and a guard appeared in front of me, i greatest a spear construct and impaled the man as Rutherford and his troops dispatched and men I failed to end, I could slowly feel myself getting angrier, more powerful, a darkness growing in my soul. One minute later I was outside, it was snowing and Rutherfords troops actives the infrared camouflage as a silver Blackhawk appeared down and we all climbed in, flying off to the northern tip of the island.

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