Chapter 7: Battle for Evie's Freedom

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Mal's Pov
That's crazy talk , this is Evie were talking about here I said I know it sounds crazy but it's true Ben explains how can you get that just by looking at her I ask just listen and trust me please Mal Ben says desperately and holding my hands 
Ben I love you but this crazy how's is this even possible I said frustrated  then we hear yelling and screaming Mal it can possess people and do more terrible things I just explain right now sorry Ben said it? Ben she has a name her is Evie do you remember I snapped Mal that's not Evie that's a monster Ben said before he ran off.

Students are running in my direction i see Doug running in my direction so I grab him by the shoulders.

Doug what wrong I ask concern it-it-it Doug stutters just tell! Yelled it's Evie Doug says what about her,what did she do I ask its hard to explain you would have to see it yourself Doug said before he ran off.

Jay Carlos damm it, why would he leave alone them ugh! I said and ran off to save Jay and Carlos.

Carlos's Pov
H-hey Evie how about you calm down and we could go out to eat does 5:30 work for ya? I ask.

GRRR Evie growls.

No ok,Jay ? I said pushing him in front of me.

Wh-what?, hey Evie Jay began

MY NAME IS NOT EVIE IT'S THE SHADOW KING the shadow king said well clearly you are but can we have friend back like now Jay ask OH YOU MUST MEAN MY DAUGHTER the shadow said uhh....what, we are talking about same person here right? Jay ask YES MY DAUGHTER..EVIE the shadow king explains that's what I thought ex-ex excuse me just a moment Jay said.

Jay my grabs shoulder Carlos this is Evie's dad dealing with what are heck we going to do Jay ask ok here's the plan, RUN! I yelled.

AHHH! I Yelled as I was running towards the door

YOU'RE  GOING NOWHERE the shadow king yelled and made pushing motion towards us with Evie's hands and arms.

Great job So what your plan now genius Jay ask

Heh heh ugh i said.

Mal's Pov

I get to the classroom I see Carlos against the wall upside down and Jay on the wall side ways . what in the world is going on, Evie these people are your friends let them go I ask AND WHY WOULD I DO THAT Evie says wow!,your voice got deep! I said surprisedly.

That's Evie dad! Carlos yells pointing at Evie.

And it's shadow king! Jay yells.

Shadow king..., shadow king is it um can you release my friends and not kill them I ask UGH FIND the shadow king says as he does a hand dropping motion with Evie's hands.

Ow! Jay Carlos yelled simultaneously I ONLY DID IT BECAUSE YOU'RE MY DAUGHTER FRIENDS the shadow king said.

daughter? I said Jay grab my arm  pull me out the classroom.

Jay what's going on I ask I don't know can we talk about this later Jay said.

Yeah can please go to the dorms Carlos wines.

Yes let's go Jay says.

How about Evie I ask.

Mal Evie is gone ok now let's go Jay says.

No! I'm not leaving I yelled.

No? But Mal we need you, what if you get hurt Carlos ask concern that lease I try to save my best friend from this demon I said as I pulled Carlos into a hug then he let me go bye Mal Carlos said.

Really Mal are you crazy what you doing is stupid, if you want to kill yourself go head let's go Carlos Jay explain before he left with Carlos.

Evie's Pov
Father leave them alone please they did nothing, just take me instead please I begged SILENCE! my dad yelled
Please don't hurt anyone please daddy I begged I SAID SILENCE ! Why are you being so mean you were never like this I ask I DIDN'T WANT TO BE GOOD ANYMORE GOOD IS WEAK my dad explain good is not weak it's wonderful father why did you have to change you were so loving and caring I ask PEOPLE CHANGE I DIDN'T NEED THAT ANYMORE my dad explain but father I began SHUT UP JUST SHUT UP PLEASE my dad scolded yes daddy I weep

Mal's Pov
Hey! I'm back what you want bastard! I  yelled I WANT TO TAKE ALL THE KIDS AWAY FROM AURADON PREP the shadow king threaten I'm sorry but can't let you do that I replied AND WHY NOT! The shadow king yelled because that's evil you shouldn't be doing that I said.

WHY YOU LIT—Mal!? Mal! It's Evie you need get out of here before my dad takes control of me Evie yelled what you mean he already did you are free I said no all he did was possess me now he going to take control of me Evie explain why is he even doing this I ask because wants the people who put him in the isle, Run Mal go tell the others! Evie said wait Evie! how do I stop him I ask you have to—HA HA NOT A CHANCE the shadow king laughed.

What did you do with EVIE!! I yelled OH UM SHE GONE the shadow king replied what did you DO! I ask I TOOK OVER HER BODY TO BE ABLE DESTROY AURADON he replied WHAT?! I yelled I KNOW ISN'T GREAT IDEA he said what?! no! it's not! I yelled OK LETS MAKE A DEAL, IF YOU WIN EVIE...FREE TO GO he began I charge up my power with green smoke coming out my hands DO YOU CARE WHAT I GET I IF I WIN he ask I don't care I said rudely.

He throw me cross the room I try moving but he just lifted me away from the floor and he threw me again I was bleeding from the right corner of my mouth I was getting ready to throw fireball but he said do you really want throw that at Evie body it might hurt her sorry Evie! a tear steam down my left cheek as I thrown the fireball tough one aren't you SHUT UP and FIGHT! Whoa calm down the fight hasn't even started yet he shot Electric bolts at me one of them hit me give up! Ugh never! I yelled as struggle getting up just give up prissy princess I felt my eyes turned green something wrong princess AAAH! Fire came out of my hands "MAL! Stop! Snap out it!" Evie?! I yelled I ran towards her she look burnt from my fire I put her head on my lap Evie...? I say brushing a hair off her face Mal...she coughs Evie! I miss you I said as carry her
bridal style to school infirmary

Shadow king's Pov
The battle not over Mal it's not over

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