Chapter 21: I won the war

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Writer note: Carlos can turn into a dog from time to time.

Mal's Pov

Ben! Benjamin! Wake up!!

A werewolf starts to growl at me, Carlos is that you?



The Werewolf leaps at me but another werewolf attacks the werewolf.



Good boy I said scratching behind his ears.

Carlos speak! I commanded.

Bark,Bark,Bark Grrr *cough*cough* uhmm sorry Carlos says clearing his throat.

Where's Eva? I thought I told you two to stay together I explain.

Well yes you did but a emergency happened Carlos says

Like what?

Evie is in danger Carlos blurs out.

What?! Where is she?!

She further into the woods Carlos says.

Ugh! I don't know what to do because ben is past out and we have Evie in danger I facepalm I put my hand on Ben's chest then a white light start to grow.

Mal what are you doing! Carlos yell in question.

I don't know!

Make it stop! Carlos yells.

I don't know,how!

Then the light blasts into Ben's chest.

Mal what did you just do? Carlos ask.
I don't know I say with tears falling down I lay my head on ben.

I sobbing until I heard a familiar voice.


Oh my gosh ben you're alive!

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?"

Uh because we're being attack Carlos explains.


Yeah, we gonna go find Evie and Eva follow me quickly Carlos explains before he starts to be in werewolf mode.

Evie's Pov

Eva! Don't leave me! Not now!


I turn around to see if evil Doug was still here but he wasn't.

Eva please wake up.

Evie...a familiar voice began.

Mal... I began.

Four legged Carlos puts his head on Eva stomach and starts to whimper.'s time to go save the other Mal says as she has her arm wrap around me.

No Mal! You got do something! Y-you have that healing power Mal please! I begged.

Evie...she'll in a better place now,Mal says.

Mal! Stop it! She not dead,sh-she not! Evie yells.

I heard yelling what's going on? Jay asks.

Where were you? Mal ask seriously and confused.

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