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I was set on telling him I was going to tell him about us about what we were years ago. After school hours he should be in his classroom. I would tell him then.
I watched the clock anxiously lunch was in three minutes.The students were changing in the locker room.
The lunch bell finally rung and I began to leave my office in the lockers when I heard someone crying.It sounded like a student.
I quickly walked towards the sound.When I found where it was coming from.I saw a young boy in a purple hoodie and black jeans.I couldn't see his face since he had it in between his knees.
I gently got on one knee and put a hand on his back.
"What's wrong why are you sad"
He sniffed before responding in a childish voice.
"I had someone I loved taken from me"
"Oh I'm so sorry that's awful"
I felt bad for the kid he seemed to only be a freshman.
"Do you want to go to the office?"
I asked kindly rubbing his back.
"No I want someone to talk to"
"Okay do you want to stay here and talk with me"
"Yes please"he sobbed threw his teeth.
"Alright that's perfectly okay"
"What's your name"
" that's a cool name"
"Yes AJ"
"Is everyone gone"
"From the lockers?"
"Yeah there all at lunch now"
He stayed silent before responding in a deep voice
It all happened quickly.
He pulled out a syringe swiftly and stabbed it in my neck while putting a cloth over my mouth.Making me let out a muffled yell.I slowly began to feel dizzy my vision fadeing in and out.I struggled to stand up and stay up.
"Oh and Mr. Mcloughlin"
I heard the adult ask in his childish voice.
I struggled to respond but I finally did.
"The fuck did you do to me"
He giggled childishly before responding.
"You shouldn't take what's not yours."
That deep voice was all that rang in my ears before everything went black.

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