Chapter 4 - I'll see you in the future

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The rest of the stage sort of faded into black for me. He was dressed pretty casually, jumping around on the stage in sneakers and a hoodie. But fuck, he was a vision. In that moment, I was actually really glad we had those meet and greet passes because I really wanted to meet the guy behind the voice. And the hair.

After the eclectic and amazing performance Courtney and I nervously trudged our way backstage. Okay, nervously on my part. Court was in her element. We arrived backstage, where things were buzzing. Staff members of all kinds were bustling about and some tall older gentleman was barking orders. The drummer emerged from one of the many rooms and smiled at us. “Hi ladies, I’m Woody” he said and Courtney giggled. For the next five minutes I was left to sort of wander aimlessly as she shamelessly flirted with him. I turned back to where Court and Woody were and it seemed the rest of the band had joined them. Except Mr British. I wonder if he’s a diva…

The tall gentleman who seemed in control there yelled at me, “You! Are you supposed to be back here?” I turned around sharply at his voice and suddenly I was face-to-face with Mr British. He raised an eyebrow at me. I smiled weakly, ignoring the formidable old guy completely. “Well hi there, I’m Dan” he said and extended a hand for me to shake. “I’m Eliza” I replied and shook his hand. A look of amusement crept onto his face, “Did you enjoy the show Eliza? You seemed pretty appalled standing there up front with your mouth wide open” he said with a smirk. I flushed. He had seen that? “Yeah, it was amazing. I was in awe, rather than appalled” I said nervously. “Thank you” he said almost shyly and the ghost of a blush touched his cheeks, “Have you met the rest of the guys?” he asked. “Just the kind of shaggy haired one” I admitted truthfully and Dan laughed. “Let’s go then” he said and led the way.

Courtney squealed and hugged me tightly when Dan and I approached them, the drink in her hand giving the reason as to why. I got introduced to Will and Kyle and we all stood around making polite conversation. As we said our goodbyes, Courtney promptly turned to face Will and spewed her guts on the floor in front of him. Oh Lord.

The ONE time I actually enjoyed a concert she had taken me to and she throws up on the shoes of the bassist. Wow. Will looked painfully uncomfortable and asked if she was going to be okay before hurriedly walking to his dressing room, followed by Woody. “Should I call someone to help get her out of here?” Kyle asked politely. “It’s okay, I’ll help, thanks dude” said Dan. Kyle nodded and walked off. I stood there, embarrassed, holding Courtney up. “Where are you parked?”  he asked and I told him. Courtney was whining and becoming increasingly heavy. “Here. I’ll support Miss Lohan for a while” Dan said and I giggled. We reached the car and Dan gently helped her into the backseat. “Thank you so much” I said gratefully and he smiled. As I opened my door, he turned to walk away and I called after him, “Oh and Dan, you guys really were great tonight” He regarded me nervously and said, “You should come see us again before we leave town.”

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