Chapter 30 - Get home

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Dan was peacefully asleep beside me. After getting him cleaned up and fixing him something to eat, I gave him two Aspirin and let him sleep it off. Jason hadn’t done any overly noticeable facial damage but he might have broken Dan’s nose, although not severely because there wasn’t much bleeding and no swelling around the eyes. I was extremely grateful for that, because I wouldn’t want my family meeting him looking all roughed up like that, so I had put an ice pack on his nose just in case. I had bandaged up his hand because he had punched Jason straight in the mouth, his teeth making deep, ugly gashes on and around Dan’s knuckles. His ribs hurt slightly from where Jason had kneed him, but not nearly hard enough to fracture or even bruise too badly.

I looked down at my wounded heartthrob and an uncontrollable smile crossed my lips. He wanted to be with me. He genuinely cared and thanks to him I was rid of Jason. I flicked off my bedside lamp and snuggled into his arm.


Dan and I were sitting side by side waiting for the plane to take off. I was worried that the two and a half hour flight from Detroit to Denver would be bad for Dan considering his injury from the night before but he seemed to be fine, smiling at me and holding my hand.

I must have dozed off because when I awoke Dan was deeply engrossed in a book, his glasses resting on his sore nose. “How long have we been flying?” I asked, my voice thick with sleep. “About an hour, we still aren’t close to landing” he said, placing his book in his lap and looking at me. “Okay” I whispered, placing my hand on his knee. “Dan,” I began, “are you sure you’re okay with staying over at my aunt and uncle’s?” I asked a little apprehensively. “Of course,” he said with a smile, “besides, it’s too late to change my mind now.” I kissed him softly and rested my head on his shoulder and drifted back to sleep.


“Eliza!” my aunt’s thick Spanish accent broke through all the noise and chatter at arrivals. I ran to her and she spread her arms, enveloping me in her warmth. Towering beside her short frame, stood her son, my nineteen year old cousin Vanno, holding Mia, his older sister Estefania’s daughter on his broad shoulders. Breaking  Aunt Maria’s embrace, stepping back, and taking the hand of the lovely man that was standing awkwardly behind me, I cleared my throat and announced, “This is Dan.”

“Hi” he said shyly. “Hello!” Aunt Maria beamed, welcoming him with a hug. I smiled to myself as I saw the scarlet tinge creep up his cheeks. Vanno shook his hand firmly and introduced himself. An energetic caramel skinned little boy came bounding up to us - Estefania’s nine year old, Paulo. “Hey, little man!” I squealed as I held my arms out for Paulo to run to as he did when he was younger. “Liza!” he scolded while hugging me, “I’m bigger now.” I laughed and ruffled his dark wavy hair. He and sister had the most adorably exotic look, having a mixed mother and full Puerto Rican fathers. After prying Mia from her uncle’s shoulders, I scooped her up and tickled her, eliciting a delighted laugh from the previously sleepy four year old. “Right, let’s go” urged Vanno, “Dad and Estefania will be waiting for us at home.” As Vanno picked up some of our luggage and led the way to the car, I grasped Dan’s free hand, Mia still on my hip.

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