Chapter 1 - The Baby

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Alrighty! I'm back, and I'm super, super sorry that this is not a proper update, HOWEVER, I'm planning on going through the book and edited all the chapters so that I can go on and get the book done!  I hope you like this book/ will like it and constructive criticism is always appreciated!  

Thank you pals!  IJ xo


"James come here a minute I've got something to tell you" a young woman shouted to her husband.   She tugged at a strand of flaming hair.   A man about the same age practically flew into the kitchen, his face etched with worry.

"What is it Lils? You sound worried.  Are you alright? Are you ill? Is everyone else okay? Is there any-"

"James stop!" The woman, Lily, cried. " The others are fine, as far as I know, and I'm not ill, well not really, -"

"NOT REALLY?! Lily-pad, please tell me whats wrong!" James interrupted. 

"I would if you would stop interrupting me," Lily snapped back. "It's just..." she sighed, "I'm, well, I'm," She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, "I'm pregnant."

"You're what?"

"Pregnant" Lily said, unsure of how her husband would react.  After all, they were only nineteen, not exactly the best age for most people to have a baby.

"OH MY GOSH LILYFLOWER THIS IS AMAZING" James shouted jumping up out if his chair.  He grabbed her so tightly the force lifted her off the ground.  

Lily laughed as she felt her feet come off the floor.  "You sure?" She waved her hands around in a gesture James knew meant she was about to ramble.  "I was worried it was the wrong time, what with the war and everything and-"

"LILY.  WE ARE HAVING A BABY." James interrupted.  His eyes then widened, and he seemed to be physically hit with the realisation. "I, James Potter, am having a baby with the Lily Evans." He then looked up at Lily again, "Woah." He said softly. 

Lily smiled softly at him as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.  

 "I NEED TO TELL PADFOOT AND MOONY THE GREAT NEWS!" He jumped around and pounded over to the door. 

"Aaaand the moment is gone,"  Lily thought to herself.

"Do you have to go now?" She laughed, relieved.  She rolled her eyes, internally of course, at his dramatics - typical.  She shook her head softly in amazement or amusement, she wasn't sure, at her husband.  How on earth she landed with him, she had no idea, but here they were married and expected their first baby. A baby.  With James Potter; lead prankster of Hogwarts and all round mascot of everything she hated in school.  Six years he fought for her.  Like physically fought.  Often.  Very often.  It might have taken him a while but he grew up, and so did she.  Oh, how she has fallen for the messy, raven-haired man.

"OF COURSE I NEED TO TELL THEM" James cried out still shouting, breaking her out of her train of thoughts, "I NEED TO GO BRAG TO SIRIUS, THERE'S GOING TO BE A MINI ME RUNNING AROUND!" He exclaimed.
Lily raised her brows, "Okay, okay, we'll go visit him and Remus in a minute."  She plastered an exaggerated expression of interest on her face. "And how can you be so sure it's going to be a him, let alone a mini you?" She replied.  

James signature smirk was plastered on his face. "Because Potters always have boys. Boys with messy, but exceptionally handsome, black hair like mine," he said pointing to his head while smirking.

"Ah, yes, yes, the famous Potter gravity-defying hair, whatever you say" Lily replied waving her hand. "Anyway I think its time to tell Sirius and Remus about the 'mini you'," she said from the doorway as she looked over to her husband.  She soon found herself outside the house so fast she thought he had apparated them there.  

"James did you just apparate us ou-"  She began.

But they were gone.

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