Chapter 15

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Snape surveyed the class before him.
"There will be no wandwaving or foolish incantations in this class." He drawled, "In this class I will teach those of you that are... Competent enough," he looked at Malfoy who smirked here, "the subtle art of potion making. I can teach you how to bewitch the mind, ensnare the senses and even put a stopper on death."
There where many gasps around the room. Even the marauders where captivated.
"But for... The less able of you." Here he looked at the marauders. "I will not tolerate misbehaviour or stupidity. Now," he waved his wand and instructions appeared on the board, "a basic healing potion. You have half an hour. Start."
At once everyone jumped up to the cupboard. Hermione Granger, of course, was there first and had her ingredients before the boys had even reached the door. Once inside Harry and Orion started to get their ingredients. Teddy was paired up with Neville Longbottom.

"Right I'll get the leaf thingys.-"
Orion started.
"No I've already got them." Harry interrupted, "you get the rats tails."
Orion made his way over to the animal section and picked up the closest jar. The tails squelched in the jar. He shuddered, "ew."
Holding the jar as far away from him as possible he walked back to the desk. Malfoy snickered as he saw him walking past.
"Oops," he said as he stuck his foot out. Orion tripped and the jar of tails flew out of his hand - right into Teddy and Nevilles potion. It blew up and exploded in their face, even the cauldron melted. Snape glared at the boys.
"Detention tonight with filch. Also twenty points from Gryffindor." With a wave of his wand the mess disappeared. Noticing that Orion wasn't at his desk he turned to Harry,
"Potter," he spat, "where is Black?"
A 'here' could be heard from the floor beside their desk.
"BLACK! What are you doing on the floor? Get up immediately! Thirty points from Gryffindor! And detention tonight!"
Finally Teddy got a word in, but not without Orion joining him, "actually Sir, we already have a detention tonight." They said at the same time.
"Twins!" Harry shouted.
"Another detention Black, Lupin! Detention Potter!" Snape shouted. "Well? Get back to your potions. Such a shame. That will be a fail for Lupin and Longbottom. Also for Black and Potter as it was their fault." He drawled.
"Oi!" Harry and Orion shouted. Snape just glared at them.
Orion sighed, "I had faith in you Snape." Everyone, including Snape gasped, "here you go Harry. You won! Three galleons. Take it! Please! Oh I had so much faith and now it's been broken! Oh Sna-" the class was erupting in laughter when Snape interrupted.
The four boys bolted.

When they where out of the dungeons they burst into uncontrollable laughter.
"Oh boy! That was amazing!" Neville said through fits of laughter.
Orion suddenly became serious.
"Neville we need to talk."
Harry, Teddy and Orion looked at him like he was loony.
"NOT LIKE THAT! Get your head out of the gutter!" Orion shouted, fake gagging, "no, I think you should join.. The Marauders."
Neville gasped while Harry frowned then beamed, "YES! Because you helped annoy Snape- indirectly of course but still. He's going to associate you with us any way and.. Well.. Your fabulous like us!"
"Not as much as me though." Teddy made his hair long and flicked it sassily. The boys burst into laughter for the countless time that day and made their way to the rest of their classes. The rest of the day was boring and uneventful compared to potions and soon the boys found themselves in the common room late that night.

Neville and Harry were in a game of Wizards chess and Harry was losing miserably.
"This is so unfair! You must be cheating!" Harry exclaimed once Neville shouted checkmate.
"Oh, stop being a bad loser Potter!" Teddy laughed.
Harry pointed at Teddy jokingly, "I may be a bad loser Lupin, but I'm a great winner!" And with that he sat down on the sofa and pouted. Lavender and Parvati squealed as they saw him pout. Harry grinned and secretly winked at them before pouting again. The girls giggled and blushed.
"So guys, what will we call Nev? I mean we all have our dads names but what can we call him. We most certainly can't call him Wormtail!" Orion said, swinging his leg of the side of the sofa.
"Why not?." Harry said, coming out of his sulk.
"Well, for a start, Uncle Wormys not his dad. For all we know he could have a thousand children! He just upped and left!" Teddy said to Harry.

The boys stayed up far too late thinking about names for Neville. They where all falling asleep when Teddy spoke up,
"Maybe we should all just become animagi and decide our own."
"Good idea Moony."
"Thanks Paddy."
"Anytime. Love yall."
"Right back at you Pads."
"Stop being gay Prongs."
"Shut it Nev."
"Oh wait, Nev. Tomorrow get your stuff from the other dorm and bring it to ours. Your a marauder now."
"Thanks Moony."
"S'okay, night all."
"Night Moony." Came the last three replies in unison. They fell asleep on the sofas, completely forgetting that they weren't in their dorm.

The boys where still asleep when the girls came down from their dorms.
"Aww...." Lavender Brown and Padma Patil said looking at the boys on the sofa.
"Their so cute!" Lavender squealed, "i think Orion is adorable!"
"I like Potter definitely!" Padma said right beside her. Ron Weasley then came down from the dorms.
"Er.... Guys we have class in ten minutes." He said rather awkwardly, "guys..."
"W-what?" Orion asked standing up.  He saw the girls and gave them his most charming smile, "hello ladies." Lavender squealed again.
Harry woke up next, he saw the girls and gave them a sleepy smile. "Hi." Was all he could say. This time it was Padma that squealed. "He's so cute when he's tired!" She whispered not very quietly to Lavender.
"Orion stop making them do that horrible squealing noise or i swear i will hex you." Teddy said rubbing his eyes. The girls pouted but Orion laughed, "I can't help it Moons, not my fault I'm good looking!"
The girls squealed again at that. Teddy groaned then shot up, "Ron did you say we have class, in ten minutes?!"
Ron nodded.
Teddy and Orion jumped up.
"I need to double check my bag!" Teddy cried running to their dorm.
"My hair!" Orion said right behind him. Harry grinned at his best friends.
"Ar-aren't you going to get ready as well?" Ron asked him.
Harry grinned again. "Nope," he said popping the -p and lying back down on the sofa, "Orion will be at least ten minutes washing his hair, Ted will be the same but like triple checking his bag. I packed my bag last night, Nev's still asleep and it's impossible to control Potters hair," the girls squealed again.
"He's soo cute!" Padma said to Lavender as they walked out of the portrait hole, but not without waving to Harry. By this time Hermione had came down as well. Both her and Ron glared at Harry.
"Your going to be late." She glared at him.
Harry just waved his hand dismissively as she stormed out.  Ron glared at him again.
"What's up mate?" Harry asked him.
"What on earth do them girls see in you?" He spat.
"Oh, Weasley, Oh, Weasley. It's called the Potter charm." Ron glared at him again as Harry winked at a couple of giggling second year girls as they left the common room. "Also your going to be late as well."
Harry woke Neville up and they made their way back up to the dorm and finally came back down with Teddy and Orion.
"We'll have to start that prank soon. I think we should- whats he doing here?" Orion said staring at Ron.
"No idea." Harry shrugged as Ron muttered something that sounded like, 'I thought I'd wait because you where all late'
"Well anyway," Orion said walking right past Ron, "we need to go to Zonko's before we can-"
"Ssshh Orion!" Harry screeched at him, "there are other people in here you can't go telling them our plans!"
Ron looked at them eagerly, "what are you planning? Can you tell me please i want to help!"
"Sorry Ron," Teddy said to him, "we can-"
"RULE 3, SECTION 1!" Harry and Orion shouted like twins, "NO TELLING PLANS TO ANYONE OUTSIDE OF THE beeeep group!"
Ron looked at them as though they where mad, "why'd you say beep?" He asked them.
This time it was Harry and Orion that looked at him as though he were mad, "because if we told you what our group was called," Harry started in a 'duh' voice,
"It wouldn't be any fun would it?" Orion continued,
"Even if you know the name already." Neville finished. Teddy groaned,
"Not you too Nev!" He threw his hands in the air. Ron looked shocked before turning to Teddy who looked indifferent,
"are they always like that?" He asked, looking wearily to Orion, Harry and Neville.
"Yup." Teddy said and the four of them walked off leaving a very bewildered Weasley behind.


So sorry I've taken so long to update! I lost track of time and didn't realise how long it had been since I last updated.
If you have any ideas for other stories or for this one, please let me know!

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