Chapter 13

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"That was flipping fantastic!" Harry laughed, swinging an arm round Teddy and Orion's shoulders. "Mum was so angry. Bet Uncle Padfoot got hexed badly for that one!"
Teddy laughed, as the walked out onto the grounds to the greenhouses, "i know. I can just imagine the chase that went on after that!"
"My, my! The marauders." A voice said mockingly behind them. The three Gryffindoors turned, recognising the voice immediately.
"Malfoy." Harry said coldly to the white haired boy.  Orion gripped his wand defensively.
"Harry James Potter if you dare do that again-" Draco Malfoy said putting on a high voice.
"Watch it Malfoy." Orion threatened, the grip on his wand tightening.
"Oh, I'm so scared." Malfoy sneered, "Potters mudblood of a mother is going to come hurt me aah!" He mocked at the boys. Harry lost his temper. He tackled Malfoy to the ground, taking the blond boy by surprise. He was expecting a duel of some sort not Muggle fighting.
"Aaarrggh!" He screamed as Teddy and Orion pulled Harry of him. Harry was shaking with anger.
"Don't. Ever. Call. My. Mother. That. Name. Ever. Again." He said in a chillingly calm voice, very much unlike his body that was still shaking. Malfoy just sneered at him but Harry could tell he was somewhat scared.
"In you come class." The cheery voice of Professor Sprout said.  She clearly hadn't seen or heard what had just happened.  The marauders glared at Malfoy before walking to the back of the greenhouse- as far away from the teachers desk and Malfoy as possible.  The class went by relatively  calm, well, calm by the Marauders standard. They glared at Malfoy, threw soil at each other when Sprout wasn't looking, dodged another detention and glared at Malfoy some more.


"That was awful!" Harry said dramatically as they walked to transfiguration after Herbology. "Especially with the Slytherins! Of all houses!"
Teddy and Orion snickered at their friend.
"What?" Harry looked at them quizzically. The boys said nothing but pointed inside the class. They where late. It was their second class and they arrived last. Harry looked over to where the boys where pointing, saw the Slytherins, groaned and started banging his head on his seat - which was, unsurprisingly, as far away from the teachers desk as possible.  The Gryffindoors sniggered while the Slytherins scowled. Of course there was the unmistakable squeals from the Gryffindor girls. 
"Whats wrong Potter?" Malfoy sneered at Harry, "scared of us eh? Gryffindoors Golden Boy scared of the Slytherins!" The Slytherins laughed, while the Gryffindoors just looked unimpressed. The Marauders didn't even look annoyed.  They just looked at Malfoy as if he was stupid, which, in their opinion, he was.
"Seriously Malfoy?" Orion said, "I don't even know where to begin!" He threw his hands in the air and chuckled. Malfoy scowled at him.
"Firstly, we are Gryffindoors. We aren't scared of Slytherins. We're the house of the brave remember? If anything it's you that is scared of us!" The Gryffindoor laughed again.
"Also Malfoy," Harry picked up, "I wasn't banging my head on the table because i was scared of you, I'm just worried that I'm spending so many classes with you and your stupidity might be contagious!" The Gryffindoors where bent double laughing by now. Even some of the Slytherins where trying not to laugh. Malfoy looked outright humiliated for a moment, then his signature sneer came back on his face.
"Careful Malfoy," Teddy smirked, "any more sneering like that and you'll look like Snape!"
The young Gryffins burst into laughter once more.  A few Slytherins couldn't contain their laughter either, but soon shut up when Malfoy sent a glare their way.  No one noticed a cat sitting on the teachers chair.
Orion put his feet up on the desk and swung on his chair, "I'm just glad we got here before Mcgonagal did."
"I won't be so sure." Teddy said only now noticing the tabby cat that had leapt up onto the table. "She's right their." He pointed at the cat, "remember what dad told us? She's an animagus."
The cat leapt of the desk and transformed into Mcgonagal who walked briskly over to the Marauders.
"Very good Lupin. Ten points to Gryffindoor." The Gryffindoors beamed.  "But i ask, why are you three late? Have you not realised the time? Do i need to transfigure one of you into a stopwatch so you can get here on time?" Her thick Scottish accent was clear.  The Slytherins snickered.
"Sorry Professor," Teddy began.
"Oh Minnie!" Orion said fake sobbing. "We are terribly s-s-sorry! It w-was awful! We we got lost!"
Harry gasped dramatically, "NO! Don't speak of it!" He shouted, putting his hand over Orions mouth, "it was awful!"
"Such a terrible time!"
By now most of the class was in tears with laughter - apart from a few Slytherins who where giving the evils to the Marauders who where still fake sobbing. Teddy had joined in by now,
"Minnie, we are terribly sorry! Forgive us please!" He begged.
Mcgonagal tried to look stern but was struggling to keep a smile from her face. "So much like their fathers." She thought happily.
"Well then maybe a map?" She smirked. "I trust you don't need one to find your books?"
The boys saluted, "YES MAAM." They shouted like triplets, grabbing their wands and books out if their bags.
They smirked to themselves when they noticed she hadn't said anything about being called Minnie.  Mcgonagal turned to the rest of the class, "well you to! Today we will be practicing how to turn a match into a needle"  she explained how it was done.
Harry and Orion where the first in class to achieve it, followed closely by Hermione Granger and Teddy.
"Exactly like James and Sirius." Mcgonagal thought as Harry and Orion smirked, high fived, then did a hand shake of sorts.


The rest of the day went by rather uninteresting.  The boys mucking about in class, nearly getting detentions.  The only reason they managed to get out of them was because they where the first in class to succeed and could afford to muck around.  Most of the teachers they had loved them, apart from a few, like Professor Binns, who didn't even acknowledge they where there at all.
Lunch and dinner past and the boys had made it up to their dorm.  It was very personalised for having being their for only one night.  The walls were covered with pictures of the boys, of the boys fathers and of their family. There was clothes strewn all over the floor, except in Harrys corner, who kept his bed and clothes exceptionally neat.
"Im not looking forward to potions tomorrow." Harry said as he grabbed an old shirt and flung it on, climbing into bed.
"Me neither," Teddy agreed, also climbing into his bed.
"Really? I can't wait to torture Snivelly!" Orion said laughing.
"I wouldn't call him that to his face." Harry laughed with him, "he'll take so much points from us that we wont ever have a chance of winning the house cup!" The boys laughed, imagining the look of horror on Snape's face when he sees them.
"You aren't going to bed already!" Orion complained, "i want to have a party! We're in Hogwarts! In Gryffindoor!"
Teddy just grunted in reply.
"Aw come on!" Orion whined, "let's sneak down to Hogsmead and get some butterbeers!" He swung on the railings of his bed and grabbed a pillow which he threw at Harry.
"Ori, we just got here and I'm tired. Go to sleep." Harry pulled a pillow over his head.
"Pretty please and a cherry on top?" Orion asked.
Teddy chuckled, "you're such a kid."
Orion scoffed, "huh, like you can talk!"
He threw another pillow at Teddy, "NO! You're getting me of subject, i WILL have a party tonight!" He said standing on his bed and brandishing an imaginary sword.
"Nah," Harry grunted
"Yeeeeeees!" Orion shouted with his hand still in the air.
"Nah," This time it was Teddy who grunted.
"Okay, okay." Teddy shouted his hands flying in the air, "you can have your party," Orion whooped, "but on Friday night." Orion groaned, "And we'll invite all of Gryffindoor."
Orion cheered once more and Harry joined him. Orion jumped into his bed and pulled the covers over him.
"Night." Harry said
"Night." Teddy replied.
"Guys?" Orion asked. The boys grunted in reply. "Can i have my pillows back?"
Harry and Teddy grinned, "why, if you wanted them why did you throw them away?" They smirked.
"Aww,  pleeease?" Orion begged.
"Nah," Teddy and Harry replied.
"Oh okay. Night."
They three boys fell asleep in their dorm room. A Potter, A Black and a Lupin - they way it should of been.

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