Chapter 6

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Harry, Orion and Teddy all got sent to muggle school before going to Hogwarts.  By now they where 10 years old and loved pranks just as much as their fathers did. Lily, Tonks and Marlene had insisted that they get some education and when they start showing signs of accidental magic, they will get pulled out.

"James can you pick up the little ones" Lily Potter shouted to her husband.
"Fine but is there a place i can aperate to or do i have to walk?" James asked her.  He hated doing things the muggle way if you could do them faster magically.
"Sorry, no." She replied while he groaned, "its too busy and the muggles will see you"
James groaned once again and grabbed his jacket, "fine i better leave now so i will get there on time"

James walked into the school grounds and he's completely surrounded by middle-aged men, some with receding hairlines, some completely bald, some with pot bellies and others with beards tucked into their slacks.  James looked at the men then back at himself.  He was wearing jeans and converse shoes with a band t-shirt and a full head of messy black hair.  He could almost feel the way the other parents where judging him thinking that he must be some uncaring parent or something before Harry sees him and walks in,
James laughed at his son picking him up and twirling him around with the biggest smile on his face.
"Wow Harry, your dads so cool" one of Harrys muggle friends, Jacob said to him
"Wait till you see mine," Orion said smirking
James pretended to be hurt, "i am much cooler than your father" he said.  All the kids laughed.
"Oh you wish Prongs, you wish," Sirius said strolling in.
"UNCLE PADFOOT" Harry and Teddy shouted
"DAD" Orion shouted at the same time.
"Wow how come you get such cool dads?" A boy, Tommy asked, "i wish my dad had long hair and a leather jacket" he said looking at James and Sirius then back at his one dad.
"He also has a motorbike!" Orion told them smugly.
"No way? Thats awesome"
Where some of the replies to that.
"Come on James, Sirius, time to take them home before their ego gets as big as James'" Tonks said from behind them.
"Hey my egos not tha-"
James began before he was interrupted by Jacob, "YOUR MUMS GOT PINK HAIR!" He shouted to Orion.
"Actually thats Teddy mum, the one with the blue hair and a book in the corner" he replied pointing to Teddy in the corner.
"I never even noticed he had blue hair until now" Tommy admitted.  The boys all laughed and went home with James, Sirius and Tonks.

"Did you see Tommy's mums face when she saw Aunt Tonks had pink hair?" Harry laughed walking into his home.
"Yes it was hilarious!" Orion replied trying to control his laughter.
"Hi kids how was school?" Lily asked from the kitchen. "Boring as ever mum, i cant wait to go to Hogwarts!" He said. Soon the three boys had started talking about Hogwarts and houses and pranks.
Lily looked at her son and practically-her-sons having fun and laughing together about magic. She really was as happy as one could be.

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