Chapter 14

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"Oooohhh Proooonsgiee! Tiiiime for claaass!" Orion sung to Harry who was still asleep in his bed. Harry grunted, "go away mum,"
Orion snorted while Teddy buried his face in a pillow to suppress his laughter.
"Harry," Orion said, doing his best impression of Lily, "if you don't get up I'll take away your teddie."
Harry shot up, "NOT MR SNUFFLES!" He looked around the room and flushed red.
"Ooo Mr Snuffles eh? And who might that be?" Orion teased.
"No one." Harry squeaked quickly.
"Uh-hu," Orion looked down at his nails and pretended to clean them.
"Oh don't worry there's no way it will accidentally pop up in conversation with Lavender Brown, the biggest gossiper in Hogwarts." Teddy said in mock seriousness.
"If you dare.." Harry said before tackling Teddy to the ground. They fought for a moment before Orion shouted his war cry and dove straight into the fight.
"Oh no not Mr Snuffles!"
"Help me muuuuum!"
"Aaahhh!" Harry squeaked in a not-so-manly voice. All three jumped up. Harry looked to Teddy then to Orion. At the same time Orion and Teddy shouted their war-crys. Harry screamed like a girl and ran down the stairs to the common room. He was half-way down the stairs when Ron Weasley caught sight of him.
"Wow, mate whats up!" He asked. Not replying Harry just ran past him, still screaming. Ron then caught sight of Orion and Teddy running after him, wands in the air like swords. "What the-" he asked more to himself then anything, Then followed them, at a much slower pace, to the common room. Harry ran into the common room and hid behind the furthest away sofa. The students in the common room looked at him in confusion. They then saw Orion and Teddy running un after him.
"WHERE IS HE!" Orion shouted.
"WE MUST FIND HIM!" Teddy shouted after.
"He's behind the sofa." Seumas pointed to where Harry was hiding. He had a thick Irish accent. Harry poked his head out and looked at Seumas and gasped.
"YOU TRAITOR! I thought we where friends!" He then realised what was happening and squeaked, dodging the two boys as they tried to tackle him. Teddy and Orion turned and looked at Harry before shouting their war crys and lunging after him. They tackled him to the ground and resumed their fight from the dorm in the common room. The rest of the students in the Common room watched as they fought catching snippets of what they where saying.
"Aarggh Paddy stop!"
*war cry*
"Why are we even fighting!" The three boys stopped fighting and Orion and Harry looked at Teddy. "We....well. Errr. I cant remember!" Harry threw his hands in the air in frustration as Orion opened his mouth and closed in confusion. He then grinned an evil smirk and turned to Harry, "weeell, when we woke dear Harry here, he- muffghgle!" He stopped as Harry clasped his hand over Orions mouth. Orions war cry was heard from under Harrys hand before he tackled Harry to the ground once more.
"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" An older student shouted as he strode towards the two boys fighting on the floor. "Definitely a Weasley." Teddy thought. 
"Well you see what happened," Harry began,
"The floor was sad-"
"So very sad,"
"So we decided that it needed a hug,"
"And you couldn't see it but,"
"The floors invisible arms,"
"Where wrapped around us,"
"And he was hugging us so hard we where stuck together!" They finished nodding their heads to each other in mock seriousness. The Weasley , Percy, stuttered. He had never heard such nonsense in his life, not even from Fred and George.
"Utter nonsense! Deten-" but he never got to finish as Harry and Orion tackled him to the ground. He tried to kick out of their grasp but they where surprisingly strong for first years.
"DONT SAY IT!" Harry shouted. Percy finally managed to push them both off of him and jumped up, fuming.
"A MONTHS DETENTION BOTH OF YOU AND 10 POINTS FROM GRYFFINDOOR!" The whole room gasped. A Gryffindoor just took house points from Gryffindoor, in front of Gryffindoors, in the Gryffindoor common room. The lions where not happy. He stood in front of them and Teddy was sure he could see smoke coming from his ears. Harry gasped and dramatically mock fainted.
"Noooo!" Neville screamed. Jumping from the crowd to catch Harry.  Harrys eyelids fluttered for a moment before he went limp and pretended to be dead.
"YOU MONSTER!" Neville shouted at Percy. Orion gasped dramatically and kneeled down beside them.
"Harry! Noo hang on Harry!" He looked up to Teddy, "HELP US TEDDY HES GOING TO DIE!"
Teddy grabbed Harrys arm and pretended to find a pulse.  He then dropped it and fake sobbed, "its to late. HOW COULD YOU!" The three started to fake sob over the 'death' of their friend.
"Oh, Harry i love you! Don't leave us!" Orion was being full on dramatic now and most of the common room was laughing except a few, Hermione Granger and Percy Weasley, who were looking at them disapprovingly.
"You do realise you are going to be late for class." Hermione said in her know-it-all voice.  The boys, including Harry, groaned.
"Not again!" Harry exclaimed as he threw his hands in the air. He smirked evilly and shouted,
"Last one up the stairs is a rotten egg!" And ran up to the dorm. Orion was right on his heels, "cheater Potter! You won't get away with this!"
Teddy was a heartbeat behind him and was shouting about how immature they where but they could of at least started at the same time.  The common room was quiet for a moment before breaking off into groups and gossiping about Potter, Black and Lupin. Ron Weasley was muttering angrily to himself about "ruddy showoffs" and stormed out of the common room.  Neville looked at him wearily. He wasn't sure if he liked Ron that much, if Ron didn't like the marauders then he didn't like Ron. 
Back up in the dorm, the three boys where rushing around trying to get ready. They where NOT going to be late for Snape's first class.  After Orion fixed his hair, Teddy triple checked his bag and Harry, well, Harry did whatever Potters did to get the perfect 'messy look' (which is practically nothing).   Running to Snape's class taking every shortcut possible, they made it just  as the students where making their way inside.  They sat down at a table at the back of the class, Harry, Orion, Teddy and Neville, all wondering was going to happen in this class. After five minutes and Snape had not arrived, the class was beginning to get restless. The Slytherins smirk because this teacher favoured them, was wavering, just slightly, but it was wavering nonetheless. Orion leaned back in his chair and out his hands behind his head, "well, looks like Snivelly isn't coming!"
The Gryffindoors sniggered at the comment while the Slytherins had a picture of shock and disbelief on their usually emotionless face. Only a matter of seconds later, Snape walked, no it was more of a determined glide, to the front of class, robes billowing behind him like a cape. Orion's chair snapped to the ground and silence washed over the students like a wave.

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