Chapter 17

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It was on a Saturday in the Great Hall that the Marauders prank was brought up again.
Orion groaned and put his head in his hands, "I can't believe we forgot! What would our dads think?!"
"I can't bear to think about it!" Harry agreed,
"Oh the shame!" Neville put in,
"We will never live it down!" Orion proclaimed loudly,
"We have betrayed our ancestors!" Harry howled. Neville wailed dramatically, he was soon joined by Harry and Orion. On the other hand, Teddy was trying to stifle his laughter as he saw Weasley getting redder and redder.

Ronald Weasley was having a great day. He had had a lie in and was now in the Great Hall enjoying his breakfast. Already he had made his way through five bits of bacon, three eggs and three bits of toast and was now reaching for another. Suddenly his great day was ruined when, you guessed it, the Marauders walked into the hall. In Ronalds opinion, they where the most arrogant people he knew, nearly in the same league as Malfoy!  He was successfully ignoring them for the most part of breakfast, the bacon was a good distraction, until that idiot Longbottom started wailing. Wait what.. HOW ON EARTH DID LONGBOTTOM BECOME FRIENDS WITH THEM?
In Weasleys opinion that was highly unfair, especially as he was a much better choice of friend then the squib Longbottom. So, in true Ronald Weasley style, he would become their friend so he would be famous and have loads of money too.  Of course Weasleys way of getting in the group was to kick out the other member, one Neville Longbottom. So Ronald Weasley shouted in front of the whole hall, "SHUT UP LONGBOTTOM YOU ARROGANT PRICK! SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO EAT HERE!"
He then sat back smugly and munched on a piece of toast. He got a bit of a shock when, instead of cringing away like he thought he would, Longbottom turned around casually and said, "i think you've ate enough already Weasley, we're not going into hibernation you know."
Everyone around who heard, all of Gryffindor and some in Ravenclaw, burst into laughter. Harry was howling,
"Oh Neville mate I never knew you had it in you!"
Orion on the other hand was laughing so hard he had tears rolling down his cheeks and Teddy wasn't in any better state. If it was physically possible, they laughed even harder when Weasley stood up and started to march out the Hall, turned around, grabbed two pieces of toast, and marched out again.

Once they had gotten over the worst, or best, of their laughter the Marauders managed to eat some of their breakfast. Every minute or two one of them would burst out laughing and would set the rest off. When breakfast vanished back down to the kitchens, it was a still partially hungry group of Marauders that left the hall, still laughing at Weasleys embarrassment.

It had been decided that the Marauders would buy their prank stuff the next day, Sunday.
"Two of us can use the map to get out of the school, the other two will be at each end of the corridor, one of them with the map, to distract people if they come on your way back." Teddy instructed.
"Does this mean your not coming then Ted?" Neville asked. Teddy looked down his nose at the others and sniffed in mock disgust and said, "most definitely, I will not lower myself to the work if you commoners."
Harry and Neville burst out laughing as Orion proclaimed loudly, "OH FORGIVE US OH MIGHTY ONE!" Earning quite a few stares from the other people in the common room. He fell to his knees and bowed to Teddy,
"Forgive me wise one! I truly am sorry! Accept my apologies oh forgiving one! I am so-"
Harry turned and smiled innocently to the rest of the common room, "don't mind us. This is normal."
Earning himself a few chuckles from the other students because they know this happens all the time.

The boys had zoned out Orion as he continued his exclamations of apologies to Teddy. He was still on the floor when Granger and Weasley walked in, coming from either the library or the kitchens, depending on who was the most persistent, or if they could even find the kitchens at all. Clearly they were not impressed with Orions behaviour as they sat down in another corner of the common room. Granger pulled out a bunch of books that must of weighed a tonne and Weasley pulled out a packet of chocolate frogs.  No surprises there. Clearly Granger was getting more and more frustrated with Orion as she was doing her potions essay.  When he wailed again she had had enough.
Orion turned around, surprised at the noise. He snorted and sat up on the chair beside Teddy, exclamations of apologies forgotten. "Funny," he said, "that's exactly what Weasley here said this morning at breakfast to Neville. Didn't turn out that good for him though!"
With that the entire common room, and I mean the entire room, burst into laughter.  Poor Weasley stormed out, Granger at his heels.

So sorry I haven't updated in sooo long! I'll try and be faster at updating but I'm writing a few other drafts for other stories that I might upload. Please comment and like ❤️❤️thaanks

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