Danny's P.O.V.
I had just came back from a very eventful night of fighting and I was ready to sleep for ages if that's what it takes me to recover from all the efforts I did previously.
-"Urgh! I can't believe we fought all night!", I exclaim as I throw my arms in the air in frustration.
I Look where my dragon friend, Snow, is still standing.
-"Can you?", I finish, hoping she'd give me some sort of validation.
There had been only one ghost causing problems all night, but it's been so hard just to get our hands on him.
-"Well... yeah. I can.", she finally answer in a tired manner as she jumps on my bed and sits down.
Well, you're the only one of us, I think to myself. I can't quite fathom how it took us that long to fight one simple ghost.
-"It took us forever to get Technus! I'm exhausted.", I say as I let myself fall on top of my bed, making Snow bounce from force.
-"You should rest for the day. Anyway, it's Saturday so you don't have to worry about going somewhere.", she replies as she turns her head toward me.
I yawn before agreeing, feeling my eyelids heavily closing.Before Snow can say something else, we hear an explosion outside and her ghost sense goes off. We look at each other and nod before going ghost and fly outside.
-"I know I agreed for you to come, but shouldn't you sleep instead? I don't want you to fall asleep in the middle of the fight.", Snow worriedly asks me as we head towards the screaming crowd.
-"Yeah but, I don't want something to happen to you.", I reply, not wanting to worry her more than she should be.
I see her smirk in the corner of my eyes and know immediately that I'm going to get teased.
-"Who's the one that needs me to watch over in every fight?", she hums afterwards in a teasing tone.
I groan in annoyance. I know she's right. I do, but bringing this now is just plain evil.No one P.O.V.
Exhausted from the night, they fight against yet another bunch of enemies this morning: Nocturne, the ghost of dreams, and Illusion, the dragon that play with reality like a living reality gauntlet. Snow is taking care of Illusion while Danny fights against Nocturne. They are trying to hurry up to finish as fast as they can; The G.I.W. is suspiciously more present in Amity Park and they are more high tech than before.
Avoiding them now feels like a sport on its own, but the troublemaker ghosts are also avoiding the areas the agents are rumored to be. It does help the Phantom team slightly, for that anyway. They still have to beat nocturne and his dragon friend.
Snow finally beat the dragon of reality and suck him in the thermos. She look around to find out Danny and Nocturne aren't in sight anymore. Panic taking over the ghost dragon, she begin to fly around and tries to find them. Suddenly, she hears a scream coming from the park. She hurries up to see the G.I.W. trying to trap Danny. Their eyes lock in each other for a moment, enough for the dragon to feel the fear of her friend
-"Run away Snow! Don't let them trap you!", he screams as loud as he can, panic clearly audible in every words.
She freezes for a moment, not sure what to do in this situation.
-"But... Danny I can't let them get you too! If something...", she starts replying, but gets cut by the boy.
-"Go! Now!", he shouts back, struggling once again against the agents.Snow can only nod and fly away with her heart filled with regrets. She knows she couldn't go against Danny's voluntee. But, even so, she would have wanted to help him. Snow is contain to go to the Fenton basement for security until the boy get rid of the agents. She change back before someone has the chance to see her and starts walking in circles as she tries to think of a plan.
Snow's P.O.V.
Without anything else to do and clearly no plan coming to my mind, I go upstairs and sit on the couch. Where's the Fentons? They were supposed to be In the lab where I landed, I think to myself. Feeling uncomfortable in the loneliness and quietness, I open the tv and change the channel to the ghost news.
-"After a long morning of nonstop hunting, the G.i.W. have sadly trapped Danny Phantom, the hero of Amity Park, and are going to transport him to their new basement in town. But before they go, we have some questions for them...", the reporter's voice state as the camera pans to the white suits and a strange cage containing Danny.
I stop listening and close the tv. I can't believe that Danny has been caught by them, I scream in my mind. I get down from the couch and change into my ghost form and fly off to the city center where the agents are. I run and jump from roof to roof until I can see the center of Amity. I begin to look around and see that there's a lot of agents everywhere around the cage where they contain Danny. Not knowing what to do, I let myself fall flat on the roof. I look around and think of possible entrances that will not get me in trouble. Why do you always have to put yourself in trouble, Danny?888888888888
Chap less big but better. Anyway, hope you like this one more than the other! -old author note
Hello phans! This chapter is the first to be rewritten. It's not entirely modified in my new style of writing, but it's better than it was I'm sure of it. -2025 me x)

When all goes wrong (a Danny Phantom x Gravity Falls)
FanfictionFirst fanfic ever made on my profile so be nice with it First language isn't English so there's a lot of mistakes and I can confirm this (as my 2024 self who's re reading their old fics and feeling embarrassed) ''Oh god no. Why am I not enough caref...