Snow's P.O.V.
Gravity falls. A place I never wanted to return since... that day. The place I met a demon for the second time. I learned that he got killed which doesn't makes me feel sad at all. Actually, it makes it easier for me to walk around. Anyway, why would I mop on his dead sorry demon butt for? The last thing he told me wasn't very cute and he always said that at random like "remember ppl, reality is an illusion, the universe is an hologram. Buy gold, bye!" Nice last words. Very wise. Please note the sarcasm, readers.
Let's move on to now, or at least since we got here first. The Pines are really nice to us, no complains about that, but they're too curious. Especially Stanford and Dipper. Well, mostly Dipper since Stanford never really stay long with us.
Dipper is way too curious and suspects everything we do. No mater how normal it is or how normal it looks, he always seems like he's analyzing us and it makes Danny feel like a lab rat all over again. It makes my stress level gain heights I never thought I could live with but here I am. Because of Dipper, we need to calm each other down sometimes and it's really getting old even for me.
Anyway, back again on today's schedule. We, meaning Danny, Dipper, Mabel and I, were going to have a calm day at the shack until Dipper suggested we go take a walk in the forest. Danny and I looked at each other in a confused way since the Stans twins told us to never go there because it is dangerous, but we reculantly agreed so that's what we're all doing at the moment. Of course, we ate before going on the journey, as Mabel likes to call our little walk in the most dangerous place on earth.
I don't know why, but something makes me dizzy. It feels like something powerful is trying to push me away and it's making me nauseous. I find myself fall unconscious due to the waves of power.
Danny's P.O.V.
After we finished eating , we all decided to go walk in the forest. Snow and I weren't fans of the idea but... here we are, walking in a forest with two almost strangers. The thing that terrifies me is that the Stans twins told us the forest is full of monsters.
Ok, I know you're all gonna tell me that I fought ghosts all day before and that I shouldn't be afraid of regular monsters, but, what you don't understand is that I'm not afraid of them. I'm afraid of the twins and what they could do to us after our secret is out.
Feeling eyes on me, I stop walking and turn around quickly only to find two glowing blue orbs starring back at me in terror. Snow looks like she's in a trance, but I don't pay much attention to that.
-"Nix calm down." I softly say as I approach her, using her fake name in case we're heard. Now closer to her, I whisper: "Your eyes are glowing in the shadow when you're nervous like this. They might find it strange."
I place a hand on Snow's shaky shoulder. The more she trembles, the more worried I feel. A second passes without answers from her. "What's making you so nervous?", I ask, trying to sound as calm as possible.
She doesn't answer. She doesn't move. I start to worry that something is controlling her until I remember Cristal. Thought Cristal's eyes are red when she's in control, maybe she was the cause of Snow's strange behavior so I decide to talk to her. I check behind me to see if the twins are close enough to hear me and, upon seeing it's not the case, I look back at Snow to try to communicate with Cristal.-"Cristal, can you hear me? Is it you that makes Snow act like this?", I hesitate to ask, not wanting to make the demon mad.
Crystal appears out of Snow's shadow like a dark figure, her eyes being the only noticeable and recognizable part of her.
-"Nnno. III am not in control and Snow is doing this herself. III don't know why." She replies rather coldly.
After the last sentence, she returns in the shadows and leave me to deal with Snow's case alone. Great.(Welp that doesn't look too good cuz, y'know, ya got twins that don't mind their own business behind ya and when they'll see that what do ya think they'll think, hmm?) Leave me alone, Spark. You're not part of the story anyway. (Bruh, I write ur story give me some respect. XP) YOU ARE BREAKING THE 4TH WALLS SPARK! (And so are u by talking to me XD So calm down Danny boy!) Don't call me that. (As my 2025 self, Danny, I sincerely apologize) A bit late... don't you think? (Sorry...)
Anyway, I look back at Snow's eyes and, weirdly, they seem to come back to normal. As if they knew it, Dipper and Mabel runs toward us looking scared.
-"ARE YOU TWO ALRIGHT??? WE TURNED BACK AND SAW YOU WERENT FOLLOWING IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT???" They practically screamed at the top of their lungs in unison.
I raise my hands up slightly in an attempt to calm them.
-"Ok, first, calm down and second", I get cut off before I can even finish my sentence.
-"Yes, everything is fine! There was just a rock in my shoes. We were about to jog to catch up with you guys." She smiles after, like nothing was wrong seconds before.
I look at her confused before going along with her.
-"Yeah, right!"
It seems to have worked.
-"You should have told us! We thought you got lost!" Dipper exclaims, clearly trying to calm his nerves.
-"Or worst! You could have been attacked by a monster and we wouldn't have known it!" She takes a dramatic pause after speaking.
We all laugh at this before Snow adds to the conversation.
-"Sorry for making you worry for a rock."
-"It's fine. Besides, I think it's time for lunch! We should go back to the mystery chack!" Mabel joyfully say as she almost bounces back where we came from.
Dipper, on one hand, seems uninterested in going after her.
-"I'll pass. I have to investigate on the strange flowers I saw in the forest last time." He states while slowly walking away from us.
Too slowly, in fact. Mabel gabs him before he can even get away.
-"Nuh-huh, brobro, you're coming with us! You gotta eat too!"
He lets out various grumbles before accepting defeat and walks back with us.Well that was close.
Hellow! :3 it's been a while! .3. Sorry for the wait and I still hope ur enjoying the fanfic :) Although I have a sad announcement to do... this... this chapter is the last "normal" chapter of this book before When All Goes Wrong will be marked as finished. There will be another after this one and then *poof* finished unless you want more of this story I could make a book 2 of this :/ Anyway, fair well my fellow phan! - old author note
Hello again! I am so sorry for all the notifications this may generate as I change the way the book has been written... Hope to be done soon too - 2025 author

When all goes wrong (a Danny Phantom x Gravity Falls)
FanfictionFirst fanfic ever made on my profile so be nice with it First language isn't English so there's a lot of mistakes and I can confirm this (as my 2024 self who's re reading their old fics and feeling embarrassed) ''Oh god no. Why am I not enough caref...