Snow's P.O.V.
Since our little "escapade" in the forest, I've been feeling tired and weak. I don't know what's happening. Well, actually I do, but I don't want to make a fuss once again so I try not to think about it. Besides, I have other concerns than my state.
I feel like Dipper is starting to get onto us. For some reasons, he handed me a thermostat telling me he needed to put it away on a shelf too high for him and needed me to do it... but, let's say that the shelf was at his forehead so... it's hard to believe it truly was for that. Plus, I am merely a couple inches taller than him. I looked at him confused even tho I knew he wanted to see my temperature. However, since I am able to manipulate my environment with almost no trace, I could make the thermostat stay the temperature it was. I certainly don't need him to know what I am. I'm aware he actually have suspicions but none are close to the truth so for now I'm safe. I think. Well, at least from him.
For what happened in the forest? Let's just say... memories never really fade... and my energy was so intensely pulled toward the place I wish I didn't get this close that I had to stop walking. Danny was really concerned by that, even after I told him I was fine. I wish I could tell him everything, but I don't want to risk him getting involved in this. Nor anyone living here. It would be a disaster.
Danny's P.O.V.
Snow's been acting strange since the walk. I've noticed that she started fidgeting with her hair and sometimes biting her lips. I don't know if it has anything to do with M. Stanford and Dipper or if it's something she felt in the forest. It's been bugging me for two days now. I wish she would tell me what's wrong so I could help. I sigh, knowing very well that she won't tell me if I bug her with this.
I'm currently sitting on the roof of the shack, looking at the sky. I am so intensely immersed in my thoughts that I don't even notice Mabel sitting next to me until she lightly pokes my shoulder.
-"Hey, Cody... are you alright? You seem tired lately.", She asked, clearly worried.
I let out another sigh. No, I'm not alright. So much happened in so little time and now I'm feeling like the only person I can lean on is distancing herself from me. You probably would understand, Mabel, but I can't tell you any of it.
-"Yeah... I'm fine. There's just a lot going on in my head right now.", I resign myself to answer.
-"Is it because of your bestie? Nix looks out of it too..."
Ouch. Right in the wound.
-"There's that...", I admit as I glance at a very worried Mabel. "Don't worry. Nothing happened between us... I think she might be a little homesick that's all." I try to explain with the most logical thing I can think of at the moment.
It seems she is convinced by my lie.
-"Awwn! That's not really better tho... is there something we could do to make her feel better?" She exclaims, now looking sad.
-"Not really... She just needs to adapt I guess..." I retort plainly.Mabel looks down to the front yard and I follow her gaze
-"Urh. By the way... I'm really sorry for the way my brother and gruncle Ford treats you two. I don't know what's gotten into them!" She lets out a frustrated huff.
I spot Dipper peeking from his hiding spot and shift my weight around awkwardly. I know why they are like this. They are the kind of people my parents are. Obsessed by the unnatural. Hunting these anomalies. I feel a shiver run down my spine as flashbacks of the facility spams my mind. I shut my eyes tightly and feel my heart rate go up.-"Are you ok?" I hear Mabel ask me through the train of thoughts derailing in my mind.I take a deep breath to contain the tears that wants to fall and finally look at Mabel again.
-"Yeah... I just got a very bad headache that randomly appeared... I think I'll go take a nap." I make an excuse to get away.
-"Oh! Do you want some Mabel juice? It helps with any pain!~" she exclaims.
I look at the bottle she took out of her pocket and feel panic rising again in my body. The bottle and juice on their own looks fine besides the clear sight of toys floating in it, but the memory it brought me was not. Not goin to elaborate.
-"N-No thank you. I'll be fine. I really just need to rest." I decline as politely as I can.
I don't know if she caught up with my emotions but she quickly apologizes.
-"Rest well then!" She replies happily.
I'll try my best... hopefully I'll succeed.With that, I get up from my sitting position and go to my shared room. Surprisingly, Snow isn't here so I decide to do what I said, hoping to calm my panic attack that is coming.
Snow's P.O.V.
I had to get out of there before I went insane. Crystal's been begging me to let her in control to exterminate the danger in the Mystery Shack. I've been fighting her nonstop which causes me to have terrible migraines that adds tho the headache I had from the walk. I'm worried about what can happen if Dipper and his uncle Stanford discover what Danny and I are. I'm worried about Danny, who's nights are more and more agitated. He can't even sleep through the night without waking up from a memory. I'm not better either, but I'm sadly used to it by now.
I went for a walk in town to see what there was. The forest's looming presence makes me feel a little anxious but nothing too heavy. The town's people looks all like something was going to jump at them.
From what I've heard, Bill Cipher made quite a show before dying. The Weirdmageddon I think? He really had a way to name things... this Weirdmageddon must have been quite the nightmare for these people. They seem accustomed to the noise in the woods but that still looks like Bill was worse than anything they've encountered.
Getting out of my thoughts, I decide to enter a small cafe that looks bright new. It has a pastel yellow front with pastel blue window sides. The front sing's background is in every pastel colors made to look like watercolor paint with written "Amanda's Cafe" in white. Not a lot of people are inside which is why I chose to take a break in here.
Before the sent of rich coffee comes to me, I feel the dread overcoming my body. I look around, trying not to panic, until I meet someone's gaze. His gaze. He fixes me intensely. Not blinking. Not breaking the stare. I feel my pulse go up for the first time in a month. My breathing accelerate and I feel stuck. Caught even. That is, until he gets up very slowly and start approaching me. His red stare still catching mine. I feel a wave of cold rush through my body and I exit the Cafe as fast as I can.
I am in big trouble...
So... I said this story was over and yet here I am, publishing a new chapter...This story is actually my most popular one on my profile so I decided to give writing it a second chance. My writing style has changed over the past years and its more visible with the hogwarts legacy fanfic that I'm brewing (not an add xD). The writing in this one makes me realize how far I've come but also how there's things I could change in here so there might be updates on my chapters (including this one as I wrote this 4 years ago and just never did anything with it...) so this is also an update warning. As △⃒⃘lways, stay half alive phans!
The upgrade has been made in case anyone reads this -2025 author

When all goes wrong (a Danny Phantom x Gravity Falls)
FanfictionFirst fanfic ever made on my profile so be nice with it First language isn't English so there's a lot of mistakes and I can confirm this (as my 2024 self who's re reading their old fics and feeling embarrassed) ''Oh god no. Why am I not enough caref...