Scars to your beauty

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No one P.O.V.

Wondering why Danny and Snow didn't have any comments on their scars, the phanfic readers look trough this chapter to know a little bit more about it. Sparks Of Univers present the reason why those marks of the past aren't mentioned in any previous chapter.

Danny's scars are only visible in his ghost form for some unknown reason and only one of them is visible at anytime; The scar is on his back and so, it is covered most of the time. It is a deep and long scar made by something I will mention in another chapter.

Snow's scars, on the other hand, are visible only at night time, when the moon is at its highest. It is the only time. Why? Because it's at that time she can recharge herself with the blue energy generated by the sun and stars at the same time, and also because she shine a little while doing so. Her scars shine more because it is new skin.


Hey there! Made this quick update because I was wondering why I haven't mentioned it before. Hope I have answered your questions if you had them!

~Sparks Of Univers~

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