Vlad's P.O.V.
This morning, I had the feeling that something bad was going to happen. I would never have guessed that Daniel would be captured by the G.I.W! Hahh! Is it asking for the moon when I want a day without trouble? Well it seems so. So I decided to save him for the 10 time. With a marvellous plan in mind, I walk or should I say, flight toward the town.It was a rather short flight since I took a more direct route over the land. I notice, upon arrival, the center of the commotion. I just had the time to present myself as Plasmius and put down one foot on the ground that those guys began to shoot at me. I can't believe it! And at that moment I see Snow getting closer to them. She look at me and I can tell she want me to distract them. Well, if it's what she want me to do... I'll go with her plan instead! I get up in the air and begin to shoot ectoblast at them, but not directly to not hurt them. They all are after me now so Snow have the coast clear and she can set free Daniel. I remember that before, I used to trap young Daniel to clone him but now, I help him. Weird huh? I know. Snow and him convinced me to be more nicer and I have to admit, it feels better than being bad. Ok now where am I? I never saw that building in my city before! Oh god don't tell me it's their new agency that they shown on the news! Now they are really too close from Daniel and I. More from Daniel because I am from Wisconsin. It is not a secret but i like to tell it. I need to tell the Phantoms that their dear G.I.W. is now more near of them... well... after I get rid of those who are going to trap me...
Finally! They didn't saw me enter this building and they let go about trying to find me. I am relieved about that. Now I can go back to see if Snow and Daniel are safe. I don't think they wouldn't be but I want to be sure of it. I fly to the Fenton Work basement and transform back in my human form. I don't hear snow nor Daniel. This is weird. I then decide to go upstairs to see if Snow and Danny aren't there. Visibly, there is no one at home so I decide to turn on the tv to see the ghost news already on.
-"After the ghost attack, the G.I.W. have finally trapped the Phantoms into their cages. Let see how with this video.*shows the video* This happen 10 minutes ago." The reporter states as we a see Snow trying to break the cube but then some agents appears from the corners of the streets and attack her. They shoot at Snow and, because she used all of her energy in trying to open the cube cage, she can't dodge the shot. They trap her in another cage and violently shake the cage so that she loose consciousness. "We are now with the Fentons Ghost hunters Maddie and Jack and...", he starts as I hurriedly close the tv.
I am taken aback. How? Why did they do that? This is horrible! I tough Snow was more carefull in those situations! Also, didn't I trick all of them into trying to catch me? I should have followed MY plan instead of hers! Maybe the best option i have is to pray that nothing will happen to them and that they will escape soon. I can't go save them myself beause I will have to cover for them. I already have a story in mind. I will tell Jack and Maddie that their son is with me and if it takes more time than wished, I will say Daniel got kidnaped. It will leave, for the first option, a month or two and , if first plan is not enough, a year or two for Daniel and Snow to escape the G.I.W. lab. I just hope I wont need the 2rd plan. You might ask yourself why I don't ask my daughter Danielle to help them. Well first of all, I would never let them have her that easily. Second of all, she's... already dead...It was three month ago, Danielle and I were at the park and a group of ghost hunters were passing by with a ghost tracker. Their tracker biped in our direction. Of course, they had to know it came from us. It ended inevitably in a fight. Loosing energy enough to not be able to stand doing another shield, Danielle got shot and it distabilized her. She then vanished into gew before I could do something. I got so angry it didn't end well for the guys. They were taken into the emergency rooms at the hospital. I, on the other hand, flew as far as I could. I was so shaken of the fact that I almost killed 3 normal humans and also because Danielle was now gone. Of all the clones, she was the only one that wasn't dead and I loved her, so deeply, like a dad loves his child. She was one of the reasons I don't want to become evil again. Now, my reasons left are Daniel and Snow. If I lose them, I don't know what I will do.
Ooooo! How sad this chap is!
Not as long as I wanted but hope you enjoy it anyway! What will happen to the main duo? discover it in the next chapter! - old author note
Hi again! This chapter also has been slightly modified to look more accurate to my new way of writing. However, I didn't change the personality I gave the text and, therefore, it hasn't changed in length. -2025 author

When all goes wrong (a Danny Phantom x Gravity Falls)
FanfictionFirst fanfic ever made on my profile so be nice with it First language isn't English so there's a lot of mistakes and I can confirm this (as my 2024 self who's re reading their old fics and feeling embarrassed) ''Oh god no. Why am I not enough caref...