Chapter 4

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A/N Shout out to everyone reading my books. I'm sorry for how long it took to update.


I looked up from my pillow. IT'S 8:30. I'M SCREWED. I jumped out of my bed and into the shower. After a few seconds I heard a squishing sound. I looked down at my soaking wet socks.


After wringing my socks out, I stepped out of the bathroom. I got dressed and ran to breakfast. When I got there Conner started rolling around on the floor laughing. He pointed at me then everyone at the dining pavilion looked over and started chuckling.

I looked down at my clothes and instead of seeing the basketball shirt I intended to wear, I saw my 8 year old sister's Hello Kitty shirt. The shirt barely covered my upper chest and hugged all of my muscles.

I walked to the Hermes table trying to ignore the people snickering as I walked.

"Conner why didn't my alarm go off?" I asked calmly. My voice said one thing, but my eyes said another.

"It was meant to be a small prank, but this is soooo much better! I mean with you coming out in Emily's shirt and everything," he chuckled smirking.

I sat down and got my food. I looked around the room seeing who might have taken a picture. Then my eyes drifted over to the Demeter table, and then to Katie.

She was staring at me, I thought it was because of the shirt, but I remembered that I toke it off. I realised she was looking below where the shirt would have been. She was drooling over my abs.

I shifted uncomfortable under her dissecting gaze. She saw that I noticed her starring and started blushed. She looked redder then the strawberries that she gardens. I started blushing and looked away.

I noticed Conner was gone. Then I looked over at Katie and noticed Miranda was gone too. I knew Conner had a crush on her, but this was different. When we ask someone out we make a big spectacle of it.

I turned back to the table and  finished eating. When I turned back to make sure all my siblings didn't leave trash behind I saw like 20 people walk into the woods.

{Time skip}

After planning the perfect prank in my cabin for the last 2 hours I thought I would go train in the arena.

I walked outside and noticed nobody was at the climbing wall or the arena. I looked into the Hypnos cabin where there is always someone sleeping.


I walked back to my cabin. When I got there I noticed a small note on the door.

Go to the beach

I slowly walked to the beach not wanting to get pranked again. Instead of seeing Conner I saw Katie sitting on the shore growing multicolored flowers all around her.

I silently sneaked up behind her. I was getting ready to push her into the water.

"Don't even think about it Stoll."


"I'm so used to you trying to prank me I got good at telling when someone is coming up behind me." She turned around and smirked.

I just glared at her thinking about how I was going to redo the prank I worked on all morning.

"Ok so why are we here? And where is everyone else?"

"I don't know, but when I got here there was a floating envelope. Probably done by the Hecate Cabin. I haven't read it yet I was too scared."

"Give it to me, I'll read it." I said as I sat down next to Katie.

I opened it slowly hoping nothing flew out of it. Nothing did instead there was a note like the one on my door. I read it, then reread it. It was a riddle.

"Go to the wall of rock and fire,
Climb to the top,
To retrieve the next clue"

What was Conner up to??

A/N I'm sorry for the awful riddle (it's not even a riddle), but I'm trying...

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