Chapter 8

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A/N Thanks for reading. I had a friend tell me my grammer sucks. I'll put the story through some sort of grammer fixer thing.  Please  vote and comment if you like the chapter. It's makes me feel like I did a semi good job. Everything you say is appreciated. ENJOY!!!


I opened my letter dreading what I had to do next. I looked at Travis, he was reading the note, his brow furrowed. I toke a deep breath and started reading.

This is a game of Truth or Dare. Although you don't get a choice. We choose.

Follow the directions.

1. Do the following directions after Travis completed his directions.

2. You will choose between one truth and one dare.

a. You have to kiss Travis. 

         b. Tell Travis something no one  else knows.

3. If you refuse to complete the tasks, a  third task will be given that you must comply to do.

What am I supposed to do it. I can't kiss Travis. What little friendship we actually do have will be gone. I'm not ready for that. No matter how much his immature pranks are, I his jokes, his bright smile, the twinkle in his eyes when he's up to no good, when he takes a prank to far and apologizes, and most of all the way he can make me laugh even on my worse day. 

I don't know what my feelings are for Travis. I definitely feel something, but I don't know if it's positive or negative yet. I'm too scared to find out where my feeling lie. I stared at my worn down, grass stained converse nudging the dirt trying to come up with a practical solution.

What am I going to do. 

Can't I tell Travis my secret. Only my mom knows, but only because she demanded what was wrong in a dream. Can I trust Travis? I've carried this burden ever since I got to camp, maybe telling someone will get a weight off my chest. 

I looked up at Travis hoping to find a tell-tale sign that I could trust him with my darkest secret. His face remained blank. His dare must have been as bad as mine, maybe worse. 

No, nothing could be worse than mine.

I looked at the ground scowling at myself. I was just staring at Travis for god knows how long. Did he see me?

I glanced up, prying my eyes away from the newly entertaining grass. My curiosity got the best of me. Travis wasn't just looking at me, he was looking at my lips. I had to fight the urge to touch my now feverish lips.

I want to kiss him...

What? I turned my head trying to hide my embarrassment, from my stray thoughts. I frantically looked everywhere but him. I scooted closer, our knees barely brushing. Goosebumps spread up and down my legs.

"My letter told me to go before you." Travis squeezed out trying to break the thick tension. I had completely forgot about why we were here. About what I had to do. 

He continued to explain what his letter told him to do. It was almost the same as my letter. 

"I chose to do the truth." This stirred my interest immediately. What could Travis say that everyone didn't know?

Everyone has to have something they have never told anyone, or at least that was the case with me.

Travis started taking deep breath, face going pale, and hand trembling. I felt awful, if he was this nervous maybe I should tell him he doesn't have to do it. Maybe then I can get out of my letter. 

Katie Gardner and Travis Stoll (Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now