Chapter 13

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I followed Miranda into the hallway. I was dark enough that if she tried to kill me no one would see, I gulped. She opened the door at the end of the hallway, ushering me in. I walked in as Miranda turned on the single naked lightbulb hanging from the middle of the room. This room was starting to look more and more like a crime scene. I turned to Miranda, but she wasn't there.

"Miranda, you're starting to creep me out!" I slowly turned expecting Miranda to be holding a knife. Instead, she held two beautiful dresses.

"If I creep you out by giving you some of my best clothes, then I need to call the mental hospital because I found their missing patient." She rolled her eyes, putting the dresses on the outside of her clothes.

"I thought I would be wearing my clothes?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Of course you couldn't be wearing your clothes, you only have jeans and t-shirts." She went back to studying the dresses. "Are you going to pick one or not?"

"Just give me the green one to try on." I snatched the green dress out of her hands as I headed for the small closet adjacent to the room.

I walked into the makeshift, cramp changing area. After wiping the dust off of the old table with my towel, I set the light green dress down.

The dress was pretty but simple. It had a tight, fitted waist, stopping at my mid thigh. The sweetheart bust was covered in a petal lace, leaving my shoulders and neck bare. The bottom flowed out into a light, frilly skirt.  An earth brown ribbon wrapping around my waist. 

The entire dress seemed to shimmer in the different lights. I realized that embedded into the soft fabric as minuscule emeralds, so small you couldn't see it, but you did notice the way they made the dress stand out. 

I normally hate dresses, but I couldn't bring myself to hate this particular one. It made me feel beautiful, and I haven't ever really felt beautiful, or even pretty. 

I slowly walked out of the closet, trying to act all dramatic. I could have just walked out from how much squealing was coming out of Miranda. 

"Katie you look AMAZING, I wish I had curves like you!" She started to circle around me fixing the microscopic wrinkles. 

"Miranda, someone might start thinking you're a daughter of Aphrodite!" I pointed my index finger accusingly at her.

"No, they won't because I only act like this with you! We are sisters!" I sighed, defeated by her logic. It was true, she never acts like this with anyone but me. That doesn't mean it's not annoying, though.

"I think you're ready to join the party!" She gave me a small hug before we walked out. Miranda leading the way. We nudged and jostled our way through the thick sweaty crowd to where Travis and Conner were standing in their crisp polo shirts. 

Travis looked really handsome in his tan cargo shorts and green button up polo shirt. His defined forearms were showing from the sleeves pushed up to the crook of his elbow. I turned to Miranda, but she was too busy gawking at Conner who was similarly dressed like Travis, but his shirt matched Miranda's outfit, not mine. I turned back to Travis, with his hand outstretched 

"Katie, would you do me the outstanding honor of giving me this dance?" I nodded my head, grabbing onto his arm, feeling the muscles contract under my light touch.

"I didn't know you were a gentleman!" I wrapped my arms around his neck, having to stand on tiptoes to make up for the height difference. He placed his large hands on either side of my waist. I couldn't tell if he was keeping me steady, or of he was just dancing? I decided he was doing both consciously or unconsciously, I didn't really care either way. 

"I can be if I want. Besides, I forgot to tell you something." He gazed down at me.

"What would that be?" He leaned down to whisper in my ear. His breath tickling me. 

"How breathtakingly beautiful you look tonight." I couldn't contain the blush that flooded my cheeks. I turned my head glancing at the other couples dancing around us. I managed to croak out a thank you, turned my eyes to his intense gaze. 

We danced until I saw Conner ushering us over to Miranda and him. His hand interlocked with hers didn't go unnoticed. Travis took my hand leading me through the dancing demigods. We finally reached the other side of the room, standing in front of them. 

"I thought you would want to know how we did everything. And why." Conner said.

"No, we don't want to know how you did. How you kept it secret from us, with still managing to tell the entire camp!" I sarcastically replied. He visibly gulped, before Miranda took over explaining. 

"We both created this plan, but I thought out the little details. While Conner spread the word and kept everything secret from you two."

"What did you plan on getting out of your little scheme?" I asked.

"That." She gestured to Travis and I's intertwined hands. I blushed, but Travis just squeezed my hands showing off his cheeky grin. 

"I'm not complaining!" I smiled at Travis's response, reaching up to kiss his cheek. 

"No PDA at the party, Chiron's orders!" Conner exclaimed, forcing his eyes closed. 

"That wasn't PDA, that's PDA." I pointed to Clarisse and Chris doing Gods knows what in the dark corner. I heard Conner mumble under his breath, something about closed doors. 

"Whatever, I want to show you the screen!" Miranda started pulling me and Travis towards a semi-light portion of the main room. She stopped us in front of a screen filled with 16 pictures of Camp Half-Blood. I studied the pictures closer, noticing how in some the grass seemed to move. I kept looking at them, something was off in these pictures. 

These weren't pictures at all, they were cameras. Miranda and Conner were spying on us the entire day, but not only them but the entire camp also. 

"Hi!" I looked at Conner, but he wasn't in the room, but he was at the climbing wall. I could hear him at the climbing wall. 

They could hear everything me and Travis said, but 'they' wasn't just two people the entire camp, all my friends heard everything. 

At the climbing wall, the arena, the fields, the beach. I could feel my head spinning, trying to remember everything that we told each other. All the things we did, all the things we said...

The fields. I slowly felt the silent tears streak down my face. 


A/N I almost cried at the end. I want to thank everyone who is reading my book! It's up to 1K reads!!!!!!!! I'm SOOOO happy!!!!! Thank you!!!! Keep reading, commenting and voting my fellow Tratie lovers!!!

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