The New Kid

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A/N Thanks to aastha7579 for giving me this idea. I hope you like it. Please like and comment!!!!!


“Whatcha doing?” I peeked over Travis’s broad shoulder looking at the blueprints of my cabin sprawled across his desk.

“Nothing!” He swiped his hand across desk attempting to hide the papers from my wandering eyes.

“Please not another prank! My cabin still smells like rotting fish from last week!” I pleaded. Travis just gave me a suspicious smile in return.

“Why are you here?” Clearing his throat. My eyes rolled at his failed attempt to change the conversation, but I didn’t bring the topic back to the papers scattered across his desk. He watched as I plopped down onto his bed, reaching under his dirty bed searching for the hidden stash of food.

I started chuckling. “You can’t complain about me stealing it if you stole it first.” He gave me a look before sighing, turning back around in his chair to keep working. I tried to look at what he was drawing, but he made sure to cover up his work this time.

“You're so boring! I need to be entertained.” I gave him a puppy dog look that was hard to resist, but he still looked at me like I was crazy.

“If you want someone to hang out with, then go see if Miranda is available.” I sighed defeated. Miranda was in the fields, but I didn’t want to talk to her. I wanted to see Travis.

“She’s with Jake Yeah, training.” I quickly covered up. He gave me a wary look.

“You don’t sound to convinced.” He pointed out.

“Am I allowed to hang out with one of the best friends!” Something flashed in his eyes for a split second at the mention of being friends, but the emotion disappeared as soon as it came.

He cleared his throat, “Did you hear about the new kid?” He asked. I vaguely remembered a rumor of a camper who was chased into camp by a hellhound.

“He was the one attack by the hellhound. I heard he’s in the infirmary from some cut. What about him?”

“He woke up today apparently. The Aphrodite Cabin wants to get a look at him, but Chiron's been holding them back.”

“Poor kid. He’s already got the attention of that entire cabin. I bet he’s just some unlucky twelve year old who stumbled upon a monster by accident.”

“Let’s go see if he’s out of the infirmary.” He rose from chair, offering me a hand to get up. I grasped his hand, using it to balance me as I got to my feet. I couldn’t help but to notice how me and Travis’s hands fit perfectly into one-another's. I shrugged off the weird feeling before walking out the door.

Travis and I, walked towards the center of camp hoping to intercept the tour of the camp.

“Who’s kid do you think he is?” Travis asked.

“I don’t know. It has been pretty randomized lately, with all the new campers we’ve been getting.” We walked around the climbing wall towards the arena, when we saw him.

I understand now why Aphrodite’s kids were so eager to meet the new addition to Camp Half-Blood. He was the mirror image of a god, but which one was still under questioning. He had honey blood hair, but that’s not what I noticed first.

He looks like he just stepped out of a gym.

He didn’t miss leg day.

He started to turn around, heading for the climbing wall, but I was next to the climbing wall. He was walking to me, indirectly of course, but he was still coming towards me.

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