Chapter 10

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A/N Chapter 9 was not my best work, but this next chapter should be better.


I stared at Drew, why would she volunteer for anything involving me. Don't get me wrong we are acquaintances. But we are complete opposites, I'm always outside gardening, and she's inside looking up the latest fashion trends. They should have sent Piper or Lucy, but in Drew's defense she is one of the best people to go to for fashion advice.

I guess she would have been the obvious choice for this odd position.

After making that very enlightening observation, I watched Drew prowl through the endless amounts of bikinis. She already had a growing stack piled up in her hands. Most of them had so much pink that my eyes started to hurt. She did pick some generally nice bikinis, but no way could I pull any of them off.

None the less, I quietly watched Drew rummage through rows of bathing suits. After around 10 minutes there was a knock on the cabin door. Travis's head leaned in, hands over his eyes. I don't know what good that will do, he was peaking through his fingers.

"Travis! What if we were in the middle of changing?" I yelled. He just shrugged.

"I don't see the problem." He put his arms across his chest, trying to stand up to me. Like that would work.

"Oh, you don't do you!" I said in my most menacing tone. I saw Drew slip out the back door.

"Ya, I'm going to see you in a bikini soon, so why would it matter?"

"Why would it matter...Why would it matter? Oh, I know because seeing me in my bra would be very different then seeing me in my bathing suit! So, ya it would matter!" I was breathing hard after that long explaination.

"Sorry, I still don't see the point!" He threw his hands up.

I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" He asked glaring at me.


"Better than being a know-it-all!"

"I'd rather know everything then nothing!" I exclaimed.

"Well your a control freak!"

"Your a douche bag!"

"Your beautiful!" His eyes widened after realizing what he had yelled. He must have been thinking that a lot to call me that during a fight. He did call me that before, but that was to just cheer me up, this was from him thinking about me.

"You two argue like an old married couple!"

I jumped into Travis's arms. Drew appearing directly behind me.

Travis tried to gently set me down, but it didn't go so gracefully. I landed right on my backside, most likely making a nice bruise.

Travis stared down at me, unsure of what to do.

"Well, are you going to help me up. I mean you were the one that dropped me in the first place!" I gave him my coldest glare.

He mumbled an apology, holding out his arms for me the grab on to. I placed my hands on his forearms, trying not to notice the strong muscles running through his arm. I whispered a thank you, hoping Travis wouldn't hear.

Of course he did.

"Katie-Kat, in all my years of knowing you that was the first time you have ever apologized to me." He said in his most sarcastic tone.

"That's because you were always the one having to apologize to me!" I said.

"Too shay." He dropped the conversation after that little discovery.

Katie Gardner and Travis Stoll (Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now