Chapter 6

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I leaned against the wall, watching the screen showing Travis and Katie. I started chuckling as I watched then freak out about the climbing wall. I mean it's not that hard. Who am I kidding they're gonna fail. Though being the considerate brother I am I left the flame suit in our cabin.

I started walking around the party, making sure everyone was having fun. I mean Mr. D was here, being the god of parties and all.

Even Chiron was here, though I think he just agreed to make sure there's no alcohol. I told him there wouldn't be alcohol because me and Travis save the alcohol for pranks including fire.

This morning I ran around like a madman, making sure everything was perfect for our little experiment. I based it off of Truth or Dare, but they don't get the choice. My personal favorite it the third round. They will probably hate me after this but it will be worth it.


After 15 painfully slow minutes we made it to the Arena. It toke so long because Travis kept on tripping. So much for being a child of Hermes, I snorted.

"Hey!!!" Travis complained.

I guess I said that last thing out loud. Once we both stepped into the arena two letters appeared in the air. We grabbed the letters, each one saying one of our names. I ripped mine opened, hoping to get this over with.

"Gosh Katie, what did the poor letter ever do to you?" I looked over at Travis, then looked back at my hands seeing the shredding envelope. I turned back around and gave a sheepish smile.

I unfolded the note. At the top of mine was a 1, and at the top of Travis's was a 2. I guess I have to start.

"You have to fight in the arena, to get an advantage in the next round."

I looked over at Travis waiting for him to start reading.

"The fight will on-

His reading was stopped by my uncontrollable laughter. When he started reading  he sound like he sucked on helium balloons for 20 minutes. One he realized how he soumded, his face turned a deep shade of crimson. After clearing his throat and purposely not looking at me he started to read again.

"The fight will only be 10 minutes. The first person to pin down their opponent wins the advantage."

Travis looked over at me. I barely noticed though, I was so lost in concentration. Then it hit me.

"What if we don't do it. They'll just get bored and end whatever it is they're trying to do."

Travis looked at me contemplating whether or not to do it.


I started to say bye to to notice another letter pop up. I walked over and opened it curious. I looked it over, but I couldn't read it. The handwriting was so sloppy. I handed it to Travis because his brother did write it. He squinted, but slowly read it anyways.

"One other thing, if you quit I have the entire Hecate Cabin just ready to use their magic on you. Let the games begin."

"Did he just quote Hunger Games?" I asked Travis once he finished.

"Yes he did." Travis looked as if he had a sour taste in his mouth.

"What's with the face?" After he realized what I meant his face returned to normal.

"Nothing, just thinking." I didn't buy it, but dropped the conversation anyways.

"Set your watch for 10 minutes." Travis set the timer on his watch.

Travis started to look nervous. "So do you want to go about this like it's training?" He started to kick the dirt with the heel of his shoe.

"Sure. Let's hurry." I could feel the tension.

We got into our fighting stance, ready to attack.

"10, 9"

I swear I jumped out my my skin when Conner's voice echoed out of an invisible speaker.

"7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"

Me and Travis walked in a circle feeling each other's styles out. I tried to punch his jaw, but he blocked all of my attempts. He slowly walked towards me about to kick my leg. I easily side stepped, seeing an opportunity. I sent a round house kick to Travis's stomach, but he managed to catch my foot in midair. He flipped me around, causing me to land hard on my back, wincing. He looked concerned, so I kicked his feet out from under him, making him fall right on top of me. He started shifting, eventually having all my limbs pinned down with him looked down at me. His watch started beeping. Time was up, but Travis wasn't moving.

I noticed how close we were. I could feel his breath hitting my face. My breath hitched, Travis noticed and started smirking. In one swift motion, he pushed himself up, managing to grab my waist and pull me up to. I don't think he realized how light I am because before I knew it my feet were no longer on the ground. Travis pulled me to his chest before I could fall to the ground. We both started blushing and turned away from each other.

After we separated a letter popped up in front of us.

"Go to the fields."

We turned and silently walked in that direction.

A/N This is the longest chapter so far. Over 900 words! Tratie is coming, but don't expect a make out session. I hope you enjoyed the chapter keep reading! ;)

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