Chapter 1

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I open my eyes to the same disgusting scene. Water dripping from the pipes, woman in chains, and disgusting vampires grinning at their latest catch.

"Get up! It's time to eat bitch."

I glare at the disgusting vampire as I slowly get to my feet, the chains rattling as I move closer to him. His face was disgusting, covered in dirt and dried blood, his clothes torn and smelled days old with stains and holes all over. His arms covered in sweat and blood. He runs his hands through his dark blonde hair which is covered in dirt as he slides the can of beans under the cell door.

"Eat." He orders.

A small smirk kisses my lips as I slowly reach and grab ahold of the bars. "Hey big boy, why the sad look?" I frown, giving him my best seductive look. I watch his body loosen as he leans against the wall.

"Long day, damn humans are running wild." He growls. He looks away for a moment before looking back at me. "What's with the sudden change in attitude with you?" He ask raising his eyebrow in suspicion.

"Well I was just thinking.." I state biting my bottom lips as if I was thinking. He licks his lips at my motion and walks towards me.

"And what is it you were thinking about?" He grins leaning against the bars.

I slowly reach out and run my hand along the side of his check, grinning at him before I grab ahold of his collar. "When I get out of here, I will personally," I whisper before yanking him closer to me and glaring at him. "Slit everyone of you red eyed bastards throats, and watch you all bleed to death." I state before pushing him away.

I walk back over to my corner and grin. "And that bitch is was I was thinking."

He quickly shuffles for the keys in his pocket, anger boiled within his eyes as he found the keys. "Your dead you little-"

"Simon! Quick fucking the humans and come on! The auction is tomorrow, let them be!"

Simon growls at me before he points at me. "This isn't over you cold bitch." He snarls before walking away in a huff.

I couldn't hold back my laughter at his anger.

"You know your going to get into trouble.. you know what will happen if you don't get sold tomorrow, right?"

I roll my eyes at the girl across from me, leaning against the bars with a worried expression. "Shut up, I would rather die then be a slave to those leaches." I state leaning against the stone wall. "They could all burn for all I care."

I look up at the dim light in my cell and chuckle. Guess tomorrow will be my last day. Like I truly could care.

"Wake them up and get them changed for today's event!"

I roll over on the floor and glare at the fat pig in front of me. "Well good morning, better hope you get sold today." He grins leaning against the bars.

"Hope you like the taste of poisoned blood." I fire back slowly getting to my feet. He flashes his fangs at me before snapping his fingers and two men appear. I like to call them dumbass one and dumbass two.

The open my cell and unlock my chains. "I'm looking forward to my dinner." The pig grins. He leans down and places his face I my neck inhaling my scent. "Yeah, I'm really going to enjoy it." He chuckles. His hot breath brushed against my shin sending unwanted shivers down my spin.

"Pig," I grumble keeping my eyes on him. A nasty grin kisses his lips as he snaps his fingers. The dumbasses pull my off the ground and begin walking.

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