Chapter 19

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Iris's POV

I follow Claude out to the garden. The stroll was silent. For the past few days he has been extremely distant. A part of me felt like I was to blame for the distance, but he had been like this since our dinner with his brother.

Without thinking I let out a deep sigh as I look up at the stars. I thought back to everything I'd been through and everything to come with claudes announcement. I couldn't be the firecracker I once was, if and when we went public I would have to be someone else completely. A part of me knew it might make us even more distant.

"Iris, talk to me."

I hadn't noticed as he wipes the stray tear from my cheek. I stare at him in awe before smiling.

"It's nothing, you just seem very distant with me since your brother came by."

I watch him sigh as he looks at me with a vacant look. I could tell he was hiding something from me but I decided not to pry as I laid my hand on his chest.

"Whatever is bothering you we can work through it together."

I feel him relax as he looks down at me with loving eyes. "I adore you my little flower."

I give him a small smile. I knew he did, the look in his eyes told me so. But, whatever it was that was weighing in his mind was creating a wall between us that I'm sure we could both feel.

It was as if Claude was standing right in front of me, but I couldn't touch him. I pained me to see him act as though he was fine, when I could clearly see he was not.

"My flower, I have business to attend the next few days. Before you ask, no you may not accompany me."

I stare up at him for a moment before I shake my head. "Claude, do you realize what you've done? You made an entire announcement about our being together and you plan to venture out without me? What will that tell people? This relationship is already taboo-"

"Flower calm down. This is dangerous, in order for me to protect you I need you safe, which means staying here."

He places both his hands upon my shoulders as he tries to calm me down. But sadly it only enraged me more.

"I spent years running from your kind, and fending for myself. I killed many leaches and survived just fine. Saying the only way to keep me safe is to keep me locked up in here is ridiculous and you know it!"

I slapped his hands away as I turned on my heel walked away. I heard him calling out to me but honestly it was muffled. The conversation didn't need to be hostile, though I made it that way. Guilt quickly ate at me as I walked up the stairs towards our bedroom.

"Flower, please."

I stop in my tracks at the top of the stairs, taking in a deep breath before turning to face him. Once our eyes connected my vision blurred as tears threatened to spill down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

Claude quickly engulfed in his arms as he ran his fingers through my hair. I quietly sobbed into his chest as we stayed this way. Minutes passed before I pulled away from him, wiping my now puffy eyes.

"Let's talk in the bedroom."

Claude grabs my hand and leads me to the bedroom. He closes the door behind us letting out a small sigh.

"I apologize for my own ignorance. I know you can take care of yourself and that is one of the many reasons I fell in love with you but-"

"Why must there be a but Claude." I sigh.

"It's about my brother, what is your relationship with him?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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