Chapter 16

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Iris's POV

I followed Claude down the hallways. My heart racing with every step we took.

"My love, please clam down. Your blood is pumping so fast." He chuckled.

I lowered my head as my cheeks burned. "I'm sorry,"

He just laughed in response as he stopped at a pair of dark, old red oak wood doors with beautiful white marking lining it. He looked down at me with that beautiful smile of his.

"Close your eyes."

I watched him for a moment before closing my eyes. I felt his hand grab mine, twining our fingers together as the creek of the door echoed in the small space. Blindly I began to move with Claude.

My heart was pounding in my ears with each step. Nervous could not begin to describe my emotions. I felt his fingers leave mine as his icy breath brushed against the tip of my nose.

"You will be the first I've let into this room, the first I've showed this side to. My dear flower, the first." He whispered. "Open."

I blinked my eyes open and immediately stared in awe. This room was that of magic, I stared at the blowing purple tree at the center of the room. The small pool of water that surrounded it was almost black, but holding its own beauty under the gaze of the moonlight. It was like a dark first in the room, I noticed Instruments lined the walls, along with vines of thrones and beautiful red roses.

This room held its own beauty.

I looks back at Claude, who was staring up at the glowing tree. "My mother was a witch because the blood wars, my father turned her to keep her alive. Before she turned she gave her magic to this tree. The tree me and her planted, so it would forever live, grow, produce. This is all that is left of her." His smile was sad as his eyes dotted with tears.

Before I could speak he grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips, claiming my flesh. "This was my secret room, now it is yours." He smiles.

I look at our hands and smile. "Ours." I breath.
He nods his head in agreement as we admire the beauty of the dark room.

I walked through the doors as Claude gets up to leave. "We still have much to do today, but I do hope this room brings you the same security it brought me my flower." He breathes.

I can help the grin that paints my face as I nod. "I'm already feeling it."

We walk down the hallway hand and hand as we mumble over little daily things. We spend a lot of our time together but our conversations are never dull. I admired that about my vampire, every day was a new story, of him, of his past, of his day. I always enjoyed it.

"I'll have mary send for you later this evening for dinner. We will be accompanying my brother and his pet." Claude finally states.

I stop in my tracks and stare at him. "Um what?"

"Dinner, tonight, at my brothers. Dress nice." He stays in a matter of fact tone.

I glare st him for a moment. "And exactly how much time does that give me?" I ask crossed my arms over my chest.

"Forty minutes my love." He grins, knowing exactly what he's doing.

I throw my hands in the air and storm off. "Thanks for the heads up!" I shout, as I hear him laughing behind me.

"You do know if you were a vampire time wouldn't be an issue, flower." He chuckles.

I stop in my tracks. I had never thought of it, becoming a vampire. I look over my shoulder to see Claude had left. A sudden chill washed over me as I began to ponder over it.

I couldn't become a monster, never. My mother would roll over in her makeshift gave. Becomes a leach would never ever, be an option.

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