Chapter 4

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"Hi Doctor Gerber. Where's Chresanto August? "

"Same room."

"Thank you.." CHANEL said beginning to walk away.

"Wait Mrs. August. " Doctor Gerber said handing her a card. 

Chanel turned around taking the card reading it as it stated "DETECTIVE FELL SVU DOMESTIC FIGHTING AGENT. TO SOLVE RAPE, ABDUCTIONS AND ETC. CALL 571-890-4471 " 

Even though Chanel wanted to kick Gerber ass for minding her business She smiled politely and said "Thanks." And walked away quickly.

Finally when Chanel reached Chresanto room She sees him putting on his shoes.

"Fuck you going?"

"Checking out. I have to protect you Alx and Tasia. From that devil child."

"Excuse me?"

"Shut the fuck up Chanel. " Chresanto said putting on his shirt.

"You're not going No where. You're going to sit the fuck down and heal correctly. "

"Don't tell me What to do. I'm a grown ass man." Chresanto said passing by Chanel leaving the room.


They enter the car and No one was talking to eachother until Chanel broke the silence within the 32 minute ride.

"Don't say anything to Haley. Dont look at her funny. Don't do shit. " Chanel said gripping the wheel. 

Chresanto ignored her and looked out the windows as they rolled Up into the drive way.

"Chresanto I'm not playing." Chanel said looking at Chresanto. 

Chresanto got out the car and walked into the house. He smelled the breakfast Tasia was making and Alx at the table eating a sausage.

"Daddy!!" Alx said hopping down from the stool running into Chresantos arms.

"Hey little nigga. " Chresanto jokingly said. "Haley is upstairs. " Alx said smiling. 

Tasia and Chresanto looked at each other while making the Same sound. "Oh. "


Haley walked down the steps and ran into Chresanto's arms giving a big hug. Chresanto and Tasia was confused.

"Hi Daddy. " Haley smiled. 

Chresanto hugged her back awkwardly and let go and awkwardly stood there. Haley went into the kitchen and took a sausage and went back upstairs.

"She's not mad No more." Chanel said.

"For what ? She - " Then Chresanto stopped and looked at Alx. He smiled and looked back at Chanel. Then walked away.


"Chresanto. I need to talk to you. " Tasia said walking into his office. 

Chresanto stopped reading and looked up at Tasia taking his glasses off. "Sure. Tay. What's up."

Tasia closed the door and sat down.

"Haley. Did something to Alx." Tasia said.

"What?? " Chresanto said popping up fast.

"Wait! " Tasia said putting her arms out. "I was leaving. Alx and her was coming down the steps. He ran into me and cried begging me to stay. And I noticed Haley dragged him. Like She grabbed his hand and pulled me from him. He looked desperate for my help."

Chresanto sat and analyzed everything and didnt want to assume anything. He wanted to ask Alx himself. 

Alx was a young boy. Confused. He doesn't know What love is. He isn't sure if his sister is taking advantage of him. Not knowing he's being molested.

"Chresanto. She even touched me. Sexually. She tried finger fucking me and She tackled me. What's wrong with Haley? " 

Then a noise was made outside the door and footsteps ran away from the door.

"We can't discuss this in this house. It's not safe enough." Chresanto said closing his book. "I will text you where to speak." 

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