Chapter 12

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The Tape Part 2

12:45 p.m

Friday December 10th 2013

Chresanto walked down the stairs and it just so happened he seen a stream of blood leaving from the kitchen. He stopped at the third step, suspicious about entering the kitchen. He knows he has a crazy daughter and she can be up to anything. Chresanto inhale and exhaled taking the risk. He walked down the steps quietly and walked inside the kitchen seeing Tasia on the floor.

Tasia lost alot of blood and she's been on the floor more then an hour, unable to scream or call for help. Chresanto ran over and went on his knees to pull Tasia up as her eyes widened. Tears flowed out her eyes, because of the pain she's going through.

"Who did this to you.." Chresanto forcefully said to Tasia.

She's not able to answer. Her mouth was moving but there wasn't any words coming from her mouth. Chresanto can't read lips so he slowly put her back on the floor screaming for Chanel upstairs.

"chanel! chanel!" 

Chanel woke up to the screams of Chresanto which made Harmonie and Alx wake up. Chanel put on her robe and slippers rushing down the stairs with the Harmonie and Alx following her. Chanel paused at the blood leaving from the kitchen and she thinks Chresanto was badly banged up, but, when she walked in it was Tasia who was hurt badly. 

"We need to get her to a Hospital.." Chanel said rushing towards Chresanto and Tasia.

It was to late. Tasia lost a large amount of blood within the hour she spent laying on the floor covered in her won blood. Alx walked in and seen Tasia and he almost forgot how to breathe when he seen Tasia dead. He was to astonished to move.

Harmonie knows this was nothing but all Hailey. Harmonie adrenaline started pumping and she clenched her teeth together while balling up her fist. She turned around going up the stairs going into Hailey's room. 

Hailey jumped up and seen Harmonie walking fast toawrds her. Harmonie was about to beat Hailey's ass for doing what she did to Tasia, but Hailey's reflex was much faster then Harmonie's and Harmonie ended up on the floor quick.

"Why you in my room bitch." Hailey said with all her guard up.

"You killed Tasia! I know your crazy Psyhcotic ass did!" Harmonie said getting up from the floor charging back at Hailey.

Harmonie jumped on Hailey and started choking Hailey. Hailey was turning red and then all of a sudden Harmonie stopped and fell on the floor. Alx had hit her in the head with one of the books Hailey had on her book shelf.

"You didn't have to save me." Hailey said getting up brushing herself off.

Alx grabbed Harmonie and dragged ger into the hallway, then came back and shut the door.

"Shut up Hailey. We had an deal. No one gets hurt." Alx said to Hailey.

"C'mon. Your;re like what? 7 or 8? I dont make deals with children." 

"Yeah, but i can also tell the police down there you murdered Tasia. You were suppose to get that diary and read what needs to be fucked up. Not you going around trying to get people to fear you. Everyone already knows your're fucking crazy." Alx said.

Hailey started pasting back and forth then went to her bed and grabbed Music's diary. Alx snatched it and then whipped out a knife from his pocket he grabbed from the kitchen when no one was looking.

"Hailey, we can work this out. You can get help."

"I know your're not telling me what to do!" Hailey said walking towards Alx. "Use it. Before i hurt you."

Alx was shaking and then Bam! Hailey kicked Alx into the wall making him unconscious and she grabbed the book. She picked him up and opened the door and seen Harmonie gone from the hallway. There was no time to play hide and seek with Harmonie, so Hailey went to Alx room and put him under his covers to make a cover up to make it seem like he's sleeping.


Music woke up to Harmonie sprinkling alittle cold water on her face. Harmonie seen Music bruise on the side of her face and arm and looked back at Music.

"What fucking happened." Harmonie said to Music.

Music stood up and said nothing. She walked to the door and Harmonie grabbed her arm which made Music jump in more pain. She turned around and started crying.

"Do you not know what Hailey is capable of?" Music said wiping her face.

"What?" Harmonie asked.

"Hailey is a crazy bitch. And you do not know what she's capable of. She fucked her own father, beat me up, molested Alx and Tasia... and she's making you her bitch and you don't even know." Music said staring at the floor. "I rather be back with dad and get molested then take this shit."

"No Music. We will get that bitch okay? And why would she do this to you?"

"I honestly do not know. She did this to me while you was sleeping. I woke up because i heard noise downstairs, i was going to chek it out but minutes later i heard footsteps. Then she opened the door, then thats when we starrted fighting."

Harmonie felt very bad and ashamed she let Hailey do this to her only sister. She wanted to really kill Hailey. But Hailey is very intelligent and is always a step ahead of everybody. Then Tasia popped up in her head and she looked at Music sad eyes and sighed.

"Tasia is dead." Harmonie said without sugar coating.


"That noise was Hailey killing Tasia. She was stabbed and bled to death." Harmonie said looking at Music.

"But that can't be. I woke up around 11:30 and smelled her cooking." Music said tearing up.

Music ran out the room leaping down the steps and seeing police everywhere and a body bad on the stretcher. The blood was on the floor and there was yellow tape and numbers every where for the crime seen. Camera flashes flashed every where taking a picture of all the evidence and clues. She didn't know what to do.

Music then turned around and seen Hailey at the steps smiling, and then walked away. Music was right. Hailey was capable of doing anything. But if they tell on her she would be locked up, even though she might come back and kill them all. 

She's not taking the risk.

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